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Discussion What surgeries have u gotten and why? Q&A

This isnt surgery but I have botox in the muscle above my lip. I have a naturally “gummy smile” and also a long philtrum. (16 mm) This is my before/after. In the future I also want to possibly get a rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, more botox in my lip muscle, & possibly lip filler, but im not 100% what all ill get done yet. I might end up only doing a couple of those thing. Id prefer to not look noticeably artificial


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I have a whole guide I saved n chit
Not technically surgery, but I got a biorepeel chemical peel today and we'll be beginning microneedling sessions next week for acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Also going to be getting an under plasma injection
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Not technically surgery, but I got a biorepeel chemical peel today and we'll be beginning microneedling sessions next week for acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Also going to be getting an under plasma injection
Can u explain why? First treatment i will be doing is sclerotherapy but i want to find something cheaper that gets rid of undereye veins. (Also lmk if uk of any ramus lengthening/broadening and correction surgeries)((ik ur not google))
Can u explain why?
The peel was just to really help get rid of breakouts and some redness of the skin. And the microneedling next week is to help with acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. The eye injection is because I have eyebags

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