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What would happen if I stopped weightlifting and just focused on cardio during a cut?

that would be stupid as hell because muscle loss would happen. muscle loss happens either way on a cut obviously, but just doing cardio and not dedicating anytime to lifting will just make speed up that muscle loss process. including weight lifting while you’re cutting would preserve much more muscle mass. why lose fat and end up not built? honestly, would lead to skinny fat. you’d look like shit. even people like jordan who are very lean must workout. he clearly has definition there. muscle is important, do not stop weightlifting. you will regret it. both cardio AND weightlifting are important during a cut.
that would be stupid as hell because muscle loss would happen. muscle loss happens either way on a cut obviously, but just doing cardio and not dedicating anytime to lifting will just make speed up that muscle loss process. including weight lifting while you’re cutting would preserve much more muscle mass. why lose fat and end up not built? honestly, would lead to skinny fat. you’d look like shit. even people like jordan who are very lean must workout. he clearly has definition there. muscle is important, do not stop weightlifting. you will regret it. both cardio AND weightlifting are important during a cut.
Lol Jordan is anorexic. Don't even try to say he has to workout or that he has muscle
And I wouldn't mention the word cardio or excercise on this forum. Whitepill will attack you for using such non-natural words
Tbh, from a scientific pov, IF YOU KEEP YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE HIGH and do only full body high intensity cardio like thrusters, devil presses or even burpees (metcon complexes or kettlebell complexes etc) you'll keep your muscular mass. Natties don't melt like that. You can keep your muscular mass for months/years without proper training. Go outside and people tend to have muscles without hitting the gym. Because they're doing other activities.

HOWEVER this form of cardio will be taxxing on the body, even harder if you cut hard. Not optimal. Stay on compound movements and hit the boring stairmaster for 40min, you'll recover better
muscle protein synthesis would plummet and u would lose all ur muscle before losing fat
and ur will bones covered by fat and no muscle

then ur tdee will drop and if u still wished to lose fat u would have to eat so little calories that it will start affecting all ur bodily systems and if u risk it and still do it u will become a bag of bones who would have shit skin, hair, nails and ur fat pads will most likely deteriorate

the few people who pull this off have insane genes or are on chemicals

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