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Announcement What would you like to see changed on the forum?

1. replace mewing subforum with surgery subforum
2. add a subsection for research collection, and discussion of the research, looksmaxxing should be very scientific after all
3. make it so you can attach images in PMs
An option to delete your account.
Hey @Dean . I personally feel like 99% of people immediately turn off watch thread you interact with, so I was thinking that perhaps it would be better to have it off by default.
Hey @Dean . I personally feel like 99% of people immediately turn off watch thread you interact with, so I was thinking that perhaps it would be better to have it off by default.
It makes the forum more interactive. I'd have to disagree
There is, it's the ignore feature
No it's not efficient because ppl can still reply to your msgs. I genuinely want someone to see *this user has blocked you" and not be able to reply to me ever again i wsnt them seething
It makes the forum more interactive. I'd have to disagree
When you’re like me and interact with smth like 50 (possibly more considering how chronically online I am) threads per day, all you’re getting in your alert is other ppl’s discussion that’s completely irrelevant to you.
And if some of the threads blows up, then you’ll have multiple pages worth of other ppl’s argument, discussions and interaction showing up in your alert, which makes it very difficult to see who’s actually replying to you, tagging you, or even reacting to your comment/thread.
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