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let me delete my fucking post even without time limit. At least once we made. Why the fuck i cant delete the posts i dont get it :omegalul:
just use Control F
Yes, I just have many pages of conversations, and within each conversation sometimes I can have multiple pages, and also I can have multiple convos with the same person
Like a certain section for solutions? Where would it live + what would it be called?
Solutions are basically when people ask questions marked as a question in the Looksmaxxing questions (maybe a subforum for looksmadding questions) and the replies can be upvoted based on if they are good answers or not (reps still exist too but yeah)
The reply with the most upvotes on a thread is marked as the solution, shows up right under the OP post , and there is a solution statistic that shows up on the person that answered the questions profile
I actually thought of an idea. I think there should be a question prefix when making a thread, just like there's a one for discussion, serious, rage, ect. There should be one for questions, unless that falls under discussion.
I actually thought of an idea. I think there should be a question prefix when making a thread, just like there's a one for discussion, serious, rage, ect. There should be one for questions, unless that falls under discussion.
Looksmaxxing Questions subforum with solutions perhaps