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Discussion what's ideal height in male

min 5'4, over 5'6 would be better though over 5'8 would be the best for me
I'm 5'7 so a bit taller would be great, same height or shorter doesnt bother me that much as long as i dont have to literally bend over to hug or kiss them
I would say damn cause I'm shorter then 5ft 4 but that's actually a good standard most of the women portrayed want at least 5ft 10 and above but a lot of woman portrayed in videos and media if he's not 6ft he cant have me and that junk so respect to you
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  • #54
min 5'4, over 5'6 would be better though over 5'8 would be the best for me
I'm 5'7 so a bit taller would be great, same height or shorter doesnt bother me that much as long as i dont have to literally bend over to hug or kiss them
you're female...? and french...? ;0
yeah maybe anything under 5ft8 is cooked I have a feeling at 5ft8 50 percent of woman will accept you in person at least below that were dipping down to more then 50 percent rejection based soley on height unless you have a niece appeal or nice face.
Hell nah I’m 5’8 and girls and everyone sees me as Manlet I’m the shortest everywhere I go if your under 5’10 you cooked
brutal.. time to get LL and blast hgh, what's a good age to blast hgh to get max results and how much hgh
even LL is cope, maybe like 25% of org and less here has done hgh or pinned b4, like less than 5 people have gotten LL on org and it costs literally an arm and a leg. it's okay if you have a larger frame than your leg bones but taller people have larger everything even visceral organs, skulls, etc.
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  • #63
even LL is cope, maybe like 25% of org and less here has done hgh or pinned b4, like less than 5 people have gotten LL on org and it costs literally an arm and a leg. it's okay if you have a larger frame than your leg bones but taller people have larger everything even visceral organs, skulls, etc.

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