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Serious Whats keeping me far from htn?

Nah man if you're kissless looking like this then you either have autism or somehow extremely unlikeable irl i doubt getting 1 psl point to reach htn will change anything

You unironically need to personalitymaxx/NTmaxx
Nah man if you're kissless looking like this then you either have autism or somehow extremely unlikeable irl i doubt getting 1 psl point to reach htn will change anything

You unironically need to personalitymaxx/NTmaxx
MTN is incel in 2025, thats the problem with inflation. Also, being ethnic and manlet.

Its easy to say that when u are chadlite
MTN is incel in 2025, thats the problem with inflation. Also, being ethnic and manlet.

Its easy to say that when u are chadlite
Idk how me being chadlite or whatever has to do with this but sure, Mtn is not incel in 2025, Especially jacked high Mtn, manletism is an issue sure but if you're 5"7+ you can easily get lifts and you'll be close to 5"9 which is "normal" height but yeah if you're like 5"4 barefoot you're cooked

The thing is you'll still need to put effort in personality/communication skills (rizz) and be NT, girls simply don't throw themselves at you unless you're Chad tier which realistically you'll never reach, even i who's considered in the Htn-Chadlite territory would fumble sometimes especially if i don't seem NT/interesting enough, there is some girls who'll throw themselves at you without caring about ur personality but they're usually the attached emotionally unstable type not the high quality ones chad gets