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Discussion What's your phobia

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  • #13
IDK I just hate it's texture

If I accidently eat a huge piece of onion or garlic, or accidently smell it I will gag uncontrollably or vomit. Then I start crying.
Ah ok I see onions are disgusting anyways and serve no purpose other than to cause pain
Not like I have one of course because I'm high t you know. but with that said I'm afraid of heights
I don't like spiders or swimming down into murky water. Neither fear is crippling though. I ain't gonna run from a spider but I just don't like the look of them. And growing up in Michigan on a lake we would follow the chains down holding swim rafts in place. Always gave me the willies. Especially as the water gets colder the farther down you go.
Not really anything. I have worries about people I love being hurt or die. And I would be sad thinking that I die before doing what I want. Nothing like spiders or heights. Ive been a pretty big thrill seeker and not worried about this stuff.
Not like I have one of course because I'm high t you know. but with that said I'm afraid of heights
i dont really know if it counts but when i have fever i always have some nightmares with shapes becoming rapidly bigger and more complex. I honestly think that i was able to somewhat interprerate "infinity" and that scared the shit out of me
i dont really know if it counts but when i have fever i always have some nightmares with shapes becoming rapidly bigger and more complex. I honestly think that i was able to somewhat interprerate "infinity" and that scared the shit out of me
Fever nightmares are crazy icl
You experienced it before?
Yeah, couple of months ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, completely unable to move. It was already terrifying, but then I saw these dark figures standing in the corner of my room, and I swear I could hear their whispers. After a few minutes it finally passed and I was able to move again but now, everytime I go to bed, I can't help but think about it.

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