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Serious When do growth plates usually stop?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
Just realised that 183 cm is not enough for me, wanna get 188-190. Internet gives very different results on growth. Some sites say that males grow only to 16-17, some that up to 25. Also some guy here said, that they never actually fully close. I'm 18. Possible to grow? What do I need to check?

Recently got access to raw milk, which is like the only natural HGH source. Would it make sense to start consuming a ton of it? Maybe other supplements or smth
Just realised that 183 cm is not enough for me, wanna get 188-190. Internet gives very different results on growth. Some sites say that males grow only to 16-17, some that up to 25. Also some guy here said, that they never actually fully close. I'm 18. Possible to grow? What do I need to check?

Recently got access to raw milk, which is like the only natural HGH source. Would it make sense to start consuming a ton of it? Maybe other supplements or smth
ok first off, figure out if your growth plates are closed. Have you grown at all in the last 6 months? If you have, they are open. If not, get an x ray.

There isn’t a set age when people stop growing, it depends on you and your genetic growth pattern. Also, growth plates absolutely do close.

Drink the raw milk but don’t expect crazy results from it.
it depends on the individual, some stop at 18, some stop at 25 or somewhere in between, even earlier or later. it all depends
if you havent grown in a while then thats it.
Spine growth plates stay open till late teens, although there is almost no natural growth there, if you blast hgh + asin to keep it open longer you can expect 1-1.5 inches in spinal legth.
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Spine growth plates stay open till late teens, although there is almost no natural growth there, if you blast hgh + asin to keep it open longer you can expect 1-1.5 inches in spinal legth.
What is asin?

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