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where should you chew? front or back?

The back preferably, some people say they've noticed an increase in length and width on the chin when chewing with their front teeth.
The back preferably, some people say they've noticed an increase in length and width on the chin when chewing with their front teeth.
how do you chew without using your cheeks muscle?
(LOW IQ WARNING) I've been chewing with my front teeth to try and reverse my overbite.
medieval period | Beauty in the Bones

Modern skull vs Medieval skull. (Notice that these two people would of had different diets which lead to different forms)
(LOW IQ WARNING) I've been chewing with my front teeth to try and reverse my overbite.
medieval period | Beauty in the Bones

Modern skull vs Medieval skull. (Notice that these two people would of had different diets which lead to different forms)
I thought chewing with the front teeth is bad