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Which one has more appeal

Who has more appeal

  • 1

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters
I think 2 has more appeal because 1, with his striking features like a male model, might be intimidating or overwhelming to some women. From a purely physical standpoint, 1 is the best looking, but being the best looking doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the better choice in the eyes of women.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
I think 2 has more appeal because 1, with his striking features like a male model, might be intimidating or overwhelming to some women. From a purely physical standpoint, 1 is the best looking, but being the best looking doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the better choice in the eyes of women.
I thought the same hunter eyes have low appeal if he has almond eyes he will probably be the best option
I thought the same hunter eyes have low appeal if he has almond eyes he will probably be the best option
The best approach is to avoid leaning too far to one side. Not too masculine or too feminine, not too mature or too youthful, not too striking or too ordinary. You need to be a perfect blend, balancing all sides. This way, you appeal to different groups without being confined to any one category, making you pleasing to the masses.
change my answer from 1 to 2
i answered before i even read the post tbh
