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Method Which one looks better and how can i improve

First looks better, I think skin care and a lobotomy would go a long way.
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  • #19
190 is 6ft2

You are Chad

You probably just need to socialize more
Thanks .I am someone who receives compliments about my appearance and I am currently in a relationship, but 4 years ago I looked very bad, so I am insecure when talking to people.I hope I could explain it, my English is bad
Thanks .I am someone who receives compliments about my appearance and I am currently in a relationship, but 4 years ago I looked very bad, so I am insecure when talking to people.I hope I could explain it, my English is bad
It's ok your English is good, can understand

Since you are in relationship already, just relax and continue taking care of yourself. Live a happy life
