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Who wants to go first for the mog battle

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #2
yuh im down
just like give me a few years to ascend πŸ’―
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  • #4
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
@sigma you or any other mod should organise
uhh idk how these things work
gather people
and then set them up within one thread
continue doing the rounds within that thread
i think this is how it works?
Before smoking
View attachment 36400

after smoking
View attachment 36399

This could work well as an ad against it, or against marriage.
Actually I started smoking at 17 years old. About a pack a day. And before all of these photos were taken I had been a hardcore crystal meth addict from 2013 - 2018. Shooting $150 worth of ice into my arms and hands about every 100 hours.

They're just photos. One was taken in a professional setting when I was alert and clean cut. The other was taken right after rolling out of bed when I hadn't cut my hair in months or shaven my face in a week. I'm also one of those people who can look like a completely different person in two separate photos taken on the same day depending on the circumstances.

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