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Rage why am i so angry

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  • #10
Ah, I see. Classic denial! Let's explore that. Could it be that deep down, you do believe in therapy but just need to talk it out with a completely hypothetical therapist like me?
ive tried it for 6 months nothing happened i dont feel any better
ive tried it for 6 months nothing happened i dont feel any better
That’s frustrating, for sure. Six months is a solid amount of time to commit, so it’s understandable you'd feel like you should’ve seen more progress. Sometimes, therapy doesn't click right away, or it might be that the therapist’s approach didn’t align with what you needed. Have you tried different types or styles of therapy, or was it mostly one approach?
Ah, I see. Classic denial! Let's explore that. Could it be that deep down, you do believe in therapy but just need to talk it out with a completely hypothetical therapist like me?
therapy is not for everyone
people have their own paths of life
sometimes a therapist will make someone think differently and is extremely bluepilled
sometimes it helps
there are different forms of therapy btw, im talking about the one where you talk to a therapist about your feelings and chit
it rarely works
That’s frustrating, for sure. Six months is a solid amount of time to commit, so it’s understandable you'd feel like you should’ve seen more progress. Sometimes, therapy doesn't click right away, or it might be that the therapist’s approach didn’t align with what you needed. Have you tried different types or styles of therapy, or was it mostly one approach?
ok AI
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #17
That’s frustrating, for sure. Six months is a solid amount of time to commit, so it’s understandable you'd feel like you should’ve seen more progress. Sometimes, therapy doesn't click right away, or it might be that the therapist’s approach didn’t align with what you needed. Have you tried different types or styles of therapy, or was it mostly one approach?
therapy is not for everyone
people have their own paths of life
sometimes a therapist will make someone think differently and is extremely bluepilled
sometimes it helps
there are different forms of therapy btw, im talking about the one where you talk to a therapist about your feelings and chit
it rarely works
Blud thinks I'm the type to say " Ahh I see"
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  • #47
You’re angry at life, have no real goals, feel oppressed, and alone. You don’t know who to blame, it could be any number of reasons or maybe a combination of them all.
nah it was because i ate them damn cookies
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  • #49
You’re angry at life
yeah im tryna get lean so im kinda mad about how long that shit takes
, have no real goals,
my goals are to get lean and to get my own piece of land so im currently searching for places to buy and learning how to tend land
feel oppressed,
maybe from being virgin idk
and alone. You don’t know who to blame, it could be any number of reasons or maybe a combination of them all.
yeah i wish i had a partner. im not usually angry tho
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