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Rage why am i so angry

yeah im tryna get lean so im kinda mad about how long that shit takes

my goals are to get lean and to get my own piece of land so im currently searching for places to buy and learning how to tend land

maybe from being virgin idk

yeah i wish i had a partner. im not usually angry tho
@Whitepill aren't you young? don't worry about being a virgin right now. I know in nature that wouldn't be the case, but it is just a fact that the man made world is unavoidable. Don't beat yourself up over it bud.
im currently searching for places to buy and learning how to tend land
unfortunately you'll have to go through a fuck ton of laws and shit to get an independent piece of land. the government purposely does this to make money and make it significantly hard to get land. i wish you luck on your endeavors tho.

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