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Serious Why are there foids on the forum

Even i think women should not be worried about their looks because they can get any man they want and they will not end up alone (they never hit the wall sorry) compared to men, most women are insecure about their looks. Fraud make-up, filters and leggings was strong indicators

everybody need/can loosmaxx
Even i think women should not be worried about their looks because they can get any man they want and they will not end up alone (they never hit the wall sorry) compared to men, most women are insecure about their looks. Fraud make-up, filters and leggings was strong indicators

everybody need/can loosmaxx
I don't think they can get any man they want. Lots of girls get rejected. Even rejected for a quick fuck.
“straight” male snowflakes when women pollute their male only safe space:😕😕😕🥺🥺🙄🙄🙄😰😰
I don't give a damn as long as girls don't try and change the way men talk amongst themselves. Usually you see this shit in male dominated work places. Women want entry into traditionally "male" fields like welding or construction and after they get in they run to HR whenever they get offended by something they overheard. Then they cry a river screaming about misogyny when the men there greyrock and stonewall the fuck out of them until they quit.

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