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Why are there girls on this site

Dean, the owner wants it to be a looksmaxxing space for men and women. So that's what it is, there have been some minor efforts to change this but they were ultimately rejected.
in PSL theres been women
it was like that on lookism and there was a small population of women on puahate
I think that its good that women are integrated here bc it upholds the old rules and doesn't change it
I think I see a future where .org also accepts women, last time I checked the data on that site 33% of users/lurkers are women lol
plus I used to know some of them, they are mostly banned tho
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in PSL theres been women
it was like that on lookism and there was a small population of women on puahate
I think that its good that women are integrated here bc it upholds the old rules and doesn't change it
I think I see a future where .org also accepts women, last time I checked the data on that site 33% of users/lurkers are women lol
plus I used to know some of them, they are mostly banned tho
How's it good? They're the ones that only want htn+ and why men are incels why should they be in these communities and there's no information for them to gain on here
How's it good? They're the ones that only want htn+ and why men are incels why should they be in these communities and there's no information for them to gain on here
i mean if they subhuman then u think there's a argument
plus the world of female looksmaxxing is still pretty empty
meanwhile us dudes have a growing landscape of knowledge
i mean if they subhuman then u think there's a argument
plus the world of female looksmaxxing is still pretty empty
meanwhile us dudes have a growing landscape of knowledge
bro females are the original "looksmaxxers". Most girls place significantly higher value on looks than men
Also that would only mean 4.15 billion women and most of them aren't in your age range, that lowers the options fast

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