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Serious Why are women and men so different [SERIOUS]?


Aug 21, 2024
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
If this isn't a joke, then you are straight up delusional, most of the stuff you've listed here is literally statisically the complete opposite

Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm
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  • #3
If this isn't a joke, then you are straight up delusional, most of the stuff you've listed here is literally statisically the complete opposite

Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm
What exactly do you disagree with?
I may be sexist, but you are straight up retarded xd. No way you are an actual human and not just some filthy short subhuman

1. Men care about looks much more, factually
2. Xd. Look at every cult. Females who were addicted to a male, not the opposite
3. Single moms are much more common than single dads
4. Men cheat more
5. Men make single moms more often than the opposite + fetus is not a baby

Women are just illogical, emotional and age badly. That’s why they suck, not cuz of your BS
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  • #5
1. Men care about looks much more, factually
Then why do women always date more attractive men while men always date uglier women?
>3. Single moms are much more common than single dads
That's because women divorce r**e their husbands and just steal the child away since the government allows it.
>4. Men cheat more
That's incorrect. Show evidence.
>fetus is not a baby
Then what is it?
What exactly do you disagree with?
what do you mean "disagree" none of this stuff is stuff you could "disagree" with. You're just making false claims that are factually incorrect
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  • #7
what do you mean "disagree" none of this stuff is stuff you could "disagree" with
So you literally agree with everything I said and therefore concede that I'm right?
Then why do women always date more attractive men while men always date uglier women?
>3. Single moms are much more common than single dads
That's because women divorce r**e their husbands and just steal the child away since the government allows it.
>4. Men cheat more
That's incorrect. Show evidence.
>fetus is not a baby
Then what is it?

Are you allergic to google or something.
Screenshot 2024-08-22 095821.png

"Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm" you havent denied this
So you literally agree with everything I said and therefore concede that I'm right?
n***a just cropped out the rest of my sentence :ROFLMAO: ur not real
Then why do women always date more attractive men while men always date uglier women?
>3. Single moms are much more common than single dads
That's because women divorce r**e their husbands and just steal the child away since the government allows it.
>4. Men cheat more
That's incorrect. Show evidence.
>fetus is not a baby
Then what is it?

Men never really date uglier women, whereas women do. Sub3 girl and sub5 man are the same league, cuz everything below 5 is too ugly to love. Men are simply more desperate. Almost never happens for htns+

Go look up cheating stats based on gender lol

Fetus is an illegal immigrant that got into the woman’s body without her consent. And normal people agree with shooting the illegals
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  • #11
Are you allergic to google or something.
View attachment 36911

"Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm" you havent denied this
Except that's not a study and you are just quoting some random feminist propaganda article.
You can see here that women have higher cheating during 18-30 years old which is the prime age of dating. Since women don't like saying they cheat we have to assume that the % is actually WAY higher.

Never thought I’d defend women, but you are too untermensch and your takes are too retarded
Except that's not a study and you are just quoting some random feminist propaganda article.
You can see here that women have higher cheating during 18-30 years old which is the prime age of dating. Since women don't like saying they cheat we have to assume that the % is actually WAY higher.

View attachment 36912
You must be a troll, there's no way you looked at this graph and thought it would prove your point.
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  • #14
Men never really date uglier women
Holy SHART what are you talking about? Men always date uglier women. Go outside and 90% of couples you see the man is more attractive, 9% they are looksmatched and 1% is statistical error.
Holy SHART what are you talking about? Men always date uglier women. Go outside and 90% of couples you see the man is more attractive, 9% they are looksmatched and 1% is statistical error.
Nah, you are trolling. Go kys, subhuman

@sigma can you ban me for a week pls? My mental health is in danger from talking to such creatures. I need a break
Holy SHART what are you talking about? Men always date uglier women. Go outside and 90% of couples you see the man is more attractive, 9% they are looksmatched and 1% is statistical error.
Nah, you are trolling. Go kys, subhuman

@sigma can you ban me for a week pls? My mental health is in danger from talking to such creatures. I need a break
I never thought I'd be fighting along side snowskinned but god are you retarded. I want you to provide a single study that proved this
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
As a man myself I can confirm that this is completely untrue, just because you have had a negative experience with women doesn't mean that you can characterize 4 billion people based on the actions of a few girls. I don't understand why incels are like this, if a woman said the inverse of this I bet you money, people of your kind (including yourself) would be up in her comments pressing her for holding a negative opinion of men
Except that's not a study and you are just quoting some random feminist propaganda article.
You can see here that women have higher cheating during 18-30 years old which is the prime age of dating. Since women don't like saying they cheat we have to assume that the % is actually WAY higher.

View attachment 36912
Classic incel posting a single graph from a single website thinking that this justifies his sexist claims, when point is disproven he proceeds to classify the website as 'feminist propaganda' when the site is a website for mental health (which you might need) ' and for the first time in his life found a woman (who would first talk to him) but secondly would actually respond disproving his bullshit logic. Interesting creatures fr because it's clear that they are single and because their single they take it out on women, however act like this and still wonder why their single?
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children
1 women care about personality too
2 women can love average men(they don't get attached as much as men)
3 both genders care and not care (not much difference and depends on the person)
4 not true (both genders are fucked in loyalty)
5 not true men leave their pregnant girls and mothers all the time
1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
1 everyone care about looks
2 not true depends on woman
3 law is shit (but they still do it so kill all women who do this)
4 both genders cheat (i wish death upon them all)
5 happens cause of useless sex (everyone should stop having sex unnecessarily)
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
do you ever think that ww3 should happen and wipe out everything
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  • #24
As a man myself I can confirm that this is completely untrue, just because you have had a negative experience with women doesn't mean that you can characterize 4 billion people based on the actions of a few girls. I don't understand why incels are like this, if a woman said the inverse of this I bet you money, people of your kind (including yourself) would be up in her comments pressing her for holding a negative opinion of men
Where is the argument, bro?
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  • #25
1 women care about personality too
That's incorrect.
>2 women can love average men(they don't get attached as much as men)
Well you literally are saying they don't get attached so why the fuck are you arguing with me?
>3 both genders care and not care (not much difference and depends on the person)
No, no, no. Women overwhelmingly engage in divorce r**e which is the thing that kills families
>4 not true (both genders are f****d in loyalty)
That's incorrect. Men cheat WAAAAAAY less than women and only chads cheat. Nonchad men literally NEVER cheat while ALL women cheat.
>5 not true men leave their pregnant girls and mothers all the time
That's in your imagination

>1 everyone care about looks
No, men care more about personality, which is why men almost always date uglier women while women always date more attractive men.
>2 not true depends on woman
No, every woman can only truly love gigachad
>3 law is shit (but they still do it so kill all women who do this)
Well you concede so why are you arguing?
>4 both genders cheat (i wish death upon them all)
Sure but women cheat WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more. Men cheating is a statistical anomaly, while women cheating is the norm
>5 happens cause of useless sex (everyone should stop having sex unnecessarily)
Again you agree so you concede.
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
Men :
1) No they care about looks too. Watch how many dudes stay with a crazy BPD girl just because she has a nice cake and she's hot af.
2) The other ones date the only girl who gives them attention, even the ugly af one. Average girls are cute tho
3) Only if they grow up in a healthy family without traumas, and found a family with a high quality mother with well-educated children
4) Most men are options-depraved their whole life so once a hotter woman talk to them it's over. That's why married men cheat a lot, they got more attention with that ring
5) Once again it depends of their traumas but yeak the father instinct can kick in, can be seen a lot when men date single moms. It gives them a purpose

Women :
1) They care about looks and height, obviously, but they care also about sexual attraction and sexual satisfaction. That's why a lot of women go back to that misogynistic guy who did'nt commit: he's hot and he has a good dick game. We can add the confident talk is important as well. We know that social skills put hot girls in the bed.
2) They love their best option, it's hypergamy : Good looks, good sex, some money, social skills and commitment.
That's why a lot of feminist women got played. Looks and social skills isn't related to good guys, That's why we have the feeling they love bad boys but it's far from the truth.
3) For a lot of women the divorce is the financial back-up plan, some settle for the money (gold-diggers) and other ones can destroy families without guilt because they moved on a while ago. Because they don't love their ex-husband anymore (it's either the husband fucked up or she met a better option). It's up to men to protect themselves.
4) Yeah they cheat, not a big surprise. Have options gents, move on and protect what you've worked hard for.
5) When you're aware of the terrible medical side effects of abortions, didn't mentioned at all in the ((())) medias, a lot of women will suffer in few years. No amount of treatments will save them i'm affraid. And if you mix that with the birth control use, the shitty diet and the alcohol/drugs/medications/tobacco consumption, the plastic and the pollution, this is a lethal cocktail and i'm not sure if it is a good idea to let them have babies.
Letting dudes hit it non-wrapped are their first mistake.
Bateman Principle:
"Typically it is the females who have a relatively larger investment in producing each offspring. Bateman attributed the origin of the unequal investment to the differences in the production of gametes: sperm are cheaper than eggs. A single male can easily fertilize all of a female's eggs; she will not produce more offspring by mating with more than one male. A male is capable of fathering more offspring if he mates with several females. By and large, a male's potential reproductive success is limited by the number of females he mates with, whereas a female's potential reproductive success is limited by how many eggs she can produce. According to Bateman's principle, this results in sexual selection, in which males compete with each other, and females become choosy in which males to mate with. Thus, as a result of being anisogamous, males are fundamentally promiscuous, and females are fundamentally selective."

Thus, males typically have lower standards while females have high standards. It's all biological. A woman will look for good genes and also someone who can support and protect her. Meanwhile a male can easily have many children and walk away. Thus, the female has to increase standards even further. Unattractive males will become desperate for women, lowering their standards further. Meanwhile rare Chads can fit into the Bateman's principle: nut and leave.

My theory: Female is attracted to Chad, but Chad has many options. He can have sex with her and then leave. It will satisfy her arousal urges. So she settles for a male who is lower on the attractiveness scale, but can financially support her. He is desperate for her, so he blindsides anything suspicious. Now we have a cuckoo situation. The man is raising Chad's kids, maybe he had some with her as well, so it might be a mixed bunch. The female however will eventually be tired of giving sex to the low attractive male and the facade will slip. So the male will go and seek other females for comfort. Both cheated.
Also it depends on timeframe in history. Women have pushed the feminist movement, and might be less likely to be r***d or put in financially weak situations or other circumstances that would cause them to settle. Now, their standards will increase further. I think @Wilk made a thread on this.

Now, is it a good thing or a bad thing? It is not simply black and white, you cannot assign morality to this. Yes, there will probably be poor mental health and many lonely men. But the overall genetic quality of the world will hopefully increase due to this massive sexual selection pressure. Because humans have gotten weaker. Hopefully we can improve now. Also I hope for genetic engineering FAST.

Obviously, there are exceptions. Some people's brain chemistry is wired differently so they might genuinely be able to hold down a good relationship regardless of attractiveness. But I am talked about what we generally see in society and also nature. Humans are still animals, believe it or not.

There are also other biological theories on attractiveness, I made an old thread on it:
Wilk and some other threads here have interesting information as well.

Both men and women care about children btw. Men care that they have children that will succeed, so they will prefer a caring woman. Females care about having kids with someone with superior traits and then raising them due to maternal instinct.

I read something about fetuses and babies. Yeah they're not the same, a fetus is the unborn, still going through prenatal development version of a baby. Don't understand your point though. They have different definitions so obviously not the same. Is this an argument for abortion?

Also it seems you are permanently banned for trolling and provoking members. You might read this but won't be able to respond.
Bateman Principle:
"Typically it is the females who have a relatively larger investment in producing each offspring. Bateman attributed the origin of the unequal investment to the differences in the production of gametes: sperm are cheaper than eggs. A single male can easily fertilize all of a female's eggs; she will not produce more offspring by mating with more than one male. A male is capable of fathering more offspring if he mates with several females. By and large, a male's potential reproductive success is limited by the number of females he mates with, whereas a female's potential reproductive success is limited by how many eggs she can produce. According to Bateman's principle, this results in sexual selection, in which males compete with each other, and females become choosy in which males to mate with. Thus, as a result of being anisogamous, males are fundamentally promiscuous, and females are fundamentally selective."

Thus, males typically have lower standards while females have high standards. It's all biological. A woman will look for good genes and also someone who can support and protect her. Meanwhile a male can easily have many children and walk away. Thus, the female has to increase standards even further. Unattractive males will become desperate for women, lowering their standards further. Meanwhile rare Chads can fit into the Bateman's principle: nut and leave.

My theory: Female is attracted to Chad, but Chad has many options. He can have sex with her and then leave. It will satisfy her arousal urges. So she settles for a male who is lower on the attractiveness scale, but can financially support her. He is desperate for her, so he blindsides anything suspicious. Now we have a cuckoo situation. The man is raising Chad's kids, maybe he had some with her as well, so it might be a mixed bunch. The female however will eventually be tired of giving sex to the low attractive male and the facade will slip. So the male will go and seek other females for comfort. Both cheated.
Also it depends on timeframe in history. Women have pushed the feminist movement, and might be less likely to be r***d or put in financially weak situations or other circumstances that would cause them to settle. Now, their standards will increase further. I think @Wilk made a thread on this.

Now, is it a good thing or a bad thing? It is not simply black and white, you cannot assign morality to this. Yes, there will probably be poor mental health and many lonely men. But the overall genetic quality of the world will hopefully increase due to this massive sexual selection pressure. Because humans have gotten weaker. Hopefully we can improve now. Also I hope for genetic engineering FAST.

Obviously, there are exceptions. Some people's brain chemistry is wired differently so they might genuinely be able to hold down a good relationship regardless of attractiveness. But I am talked about what we generally see in society and also nature. Humans are still animals, believe it or not.

There are also other biological theories on attractiveness, I made an old thread on it:
Wilk and some other threads here have interesting information as well.

Both men and women care about children btw. Men care that they have children that will succeed, so they will prefer a caring woman. Females care about having kids with someone with superior traits and then raising them due to maternal instinct.

I read something about fetuses and babies. Yeah they're not the same, a fetus is the unborn, still going through prenatal development version of a baby. Don't understand your point though. They have different definitions so obviously not the same. Is this an argument for abortion?

Also it seems you are permanently banned for trolling and provoking members. You might read this but won't be able to respond.
The only thing you are right about is women killing babies. I will never understand how a woman thinks she has the right to have her baby mutilated and murdered in the womb
The only thing you are right about is women killing babies. I will never understand how a woman thinks she has the right to have her baby mutilated and murdered in the womb
yes, especially late term abortion
they crush the babies head in late term
theres also a form where they inject saline and the fetus soft tissue burns to death
i would be more ok with early stage abortion if it were not painful
and i dont think i can ever be ok with mid-late term
yes, especially late term abortion
they crush the babies head in late term
theres also a form where they inject saline and the fetus soft tissue burns to death
i would be more ok with early stage abortion if it were not painful
and i dont think i can ever be ok with mid-late term
Yeah dude it's awful. I personally can't be OK with any abortion even early because you have to draw the line at a certain point, and not drawing the line at conception leaves arbitrary and personal beliefs on the table. Life by definition starts at conception which is agreed by almost 100% of biologists. So I don't see any justification for an abortion
lol bro is getting flamed there too
.org schizos back at it again. This made me realise all of them are fucking retarded and cannot see simple facts past their own biases
This n***a can’t read or comprehend a simple sentence and decides to act like he caught me out somewhere. 💀
Yeah dude it's awful. I personally can't be OK with any abortion even early because you have to draw the line at a certain point, and not drawing the line at conception leaves arbitrary and personal beliefs on the table. Life by definition starts at conception which is agreed by almost 100% of biologists. So I don't see any justification for an abortion
yes i completely agree that life begins at conception it is basic biology but people will still try to deny it
now, personal beliefs for the case of abortion itself are debatable. i myself have difficulty picking a side.
yes i completely agree that life begins at conception it is basic biology but people will still try to deny it
now, personal beliefs for the case of abortion itself are debatable. i myself have difficulty picking a side.
just don't have sex and stay at home

why make it such a long process by getting pregnant and killing unborn babies

both genders should try to have 1 body count in thier lifetime with the person they marry
and try to never break the marriage
If this isn't a joke, then you are straight up delusional, most of the stuff you've listed here is literally statisically the complete opposite

Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm
just don't have sex and stay at home

why make it such a long process by getting pregnant and killing unborn babies

both genders should try to have 1 body count in thier lifetime with the person they marry
and try to never break the marriage
ikr these problems could be avoided if they had low body count and serious relationships and used birth contraceptives
ikr these problems could be avoided if they had low body count and serious relationships and used birth contraceptives
don't use birth contraceptive just don't have meaningless sex
don't do degen shit
The only thing you are right about is women killing babies. I will never understand how a woman thinks she has the right to have her baby mutilated and murdered in the womb
I’m not going to argue about the moral stuff and when life actually begins because that’s all subjective but I will say most women who have abortions aren’t just having them for no reason, they simply cannot afford to have and take care of a child and the thing about the majority of people who are against abortion is that they don’t give a single shit about what happens to the child after birth and just want women to carry out the pregnancy. The foster care system is a mess filled with physical and sexual abuse cases and most children who do end up in it struggle to find their own way in life. The adoption process is a rigorous one and I don’t see many pro life people actually going out there and adopting the abundance of children that they are practically forcing into the system.

3rd trimester abortions are extremely fucking rare with less then one percent of abortions taking place in it, and it usually only occurs when the mothers life is in danger. Most mothers is the third trimester obviously do not want.

Since row v wades overturn in the US, there’s been more cases of baby dumping causing the deaths of actual babies. Hospitals have been afraid to care for women who have suffered miscarriages since they might get into legal troubles.

Edit: Abortion isn’t some simple “ I don’t want a baby so let’s get rid of it” . People have abortions for vast varieties of reasons. It’s a form of genuine healthcare for some and completely banning it won’t ever be the answer.
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I’m not going to argue about the moral stuff and when life actually begins because that’s all subjective but I will say most women who have abortions aren’t just having them for no reason, they simply cannot afford to have and take care of a child and the thing about the majority of people who are against abortion is that they don’t give a single shit about what happens to the child after birth and just want women to carry out the pregnancy. The foster care system is a mess filled with physical and sexual abuse cases and most children who do end up in it struggle to find their own way in life. The adoption process a rigorous one and I don’t see many pro life people actually going out their and adopting the abundance of children that they are practically forcing into the system.

3rd trimester abortions are extremely f*****g rare with less then one percent of abortions taking place in it, and it usually only occurs when the mothers life is in danger. Most mother is the third trimester obviously do not want.

Since row v wades overturn in the US, there’s been more cases of baby dumping causing the death of actual babies. Hospitals have been afraid to care for women who have suffered miscarriages since they might get into legal troubles.
Classic incel posting a single graph from a single website thinking that this justifies his sexist claims, when point is disproven he proceeds to classify the website as 'feminist propaganda' when the site is a website for mental health (which you might need) ' and for the first time in his life found a woman (who would first talk to him) but secondly would actually respond disproving his bullshit logic. Interesting creatures fr because it's clear that they are single and because their single they take it out on women, however act like this and still wonder why their single?
she's not gonna let you hit for defending women on bro
I’m not going to argue about the moral stuff and when life actually begins because that’s all subjective but I will say most women who have abortions aren’t just having them for no reason, they simply cannot afford to have and take care of a child and the thing about the majority of people who are against abortion is that they don’t give a single shit about what happens to the child after birth and just want women to carry out the pregnancy. The foster care system is a mess filled with physical and sexual abuse cases and most children who do end up in it struggle to find their own way in life. The adoption process a rigorous one and I don’t see many pro life people actually going out their and adopting the abundance of children that they are practically forcing into the system.

3rd trimester abortions are extremely f*****g rare with less then one percent of abortions taking place in it, and it usually only occurs when the mothers life is in danger. Most mother is the third trimester obviously do not want.

Since row v wades overturn in the US, there’s been more cases of baby dumping causing the death of actual babies. Hospitals have been afraid to care for women who have suffered miscarriages since they might get into legal troubles.
Yeah let's have sex when I'm in a bad financial situation and then when I get pregnant I'm going to murder my own child because I don't want to get a second job to provide for the child, so I'm just gonna murder it. You see what you are doing? You are advocating for something so unbelievably horrible it's not even funny. Just how black slaves were not treated as people in the 1800s, that's what you are doing with unborn babies

Life beginning at conception is not an opinion it's a fact!
Yeah let's have sex when I'm in a bad financial situation and then when I get pregnant I'm going to murder my own child because I don't want to get a second job to provide for the child, so I'm just gonna murder it. You see what you are doing? You are advocating for something so unbelievably horrible it's not even funny. Just how black slaves were not treated as people in the 1800s, that's what you are doing with unborn babies

Life beginning at conception is not an opinion it's a fact!
zygote is technically alive so yeah
sperm is alive and egg is alive too
Yeah let's have sex when I'm in a bad financial situation and then when I get pregnant I'm going to murder my own child because I don't want to get a second job to provide for the child, so I'm just gonna murder it. You see what you are doing? You are advocating for something so unbelievably horrible it's not even funny. Just how black slaves were not treated as people in the 1800s, that's what you are doing with unborn babies

Life beginning at conception is not an opinion it's a fact!
I don’t know how you managed to compare abortion to slavery but I applaud it. People have sex, people are always going to have sex it’s something that’s not going to change. Contraception can fail. Please don’t ignore everything else I said about the system
zygote is technically alive so yeah
sperm is alive and egg is alive too
But does it have a conscience, is it a sentient being, that’s what matters. A fetus in its first trimester in terms of sentience is essentially equivalent to the sentience of an ant.

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