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Serious Why are women and men so different [SERIOUS]?

I don’t know how you managed to compare abortion to slavery but I applaud it. People have sex, people are always going to have sex it’s something that’s not going to change. Contraception can fail. Please don’t ignore everything else I said about the system
Yes, because slaves were treated as less than people in the 1800s. And same is going on with unborn babies, they are getting treated as less than people. And I don't need to argue with your statements on the system because murder is never the answer no matter what. Fucking awful person to be advocating for something so terrible. You make me sick, but go ahead continue advocating for mutilating the child in the womb. You people make me too mad I'm hopping off
Are you allergic to google or something.
View attachment 36911

"Edit: You seem like a girl larping as an incel for some reason idno, your overuse of incel jargon is quite telling. That or maybe your just trying to put on a show for the users here. hmm" you havent denied this
It’s a larp hahaha
Yes, because slaves were treated as less than people in the 1800s. And same is going on with unborn babies, they are getting treated as less than people. And I don't need to argue with your statements on the system because murder is never the answer no matter what. f*****g awful person to be advocating for something so terrible. You make me sick, but go ahead continue advocating for mutilating the child in the womb. You people make me too mad I'm hopping off
Jesus Christ, you’ve ignored practically everything I’ve said. Actual black slaves are fully conscious people with feelings, thoughts, emotions and nerve receptors. In terms of consciousness an unborn fetus before roughly the 24 week mark is comparable to a fucking lizard. You’re using your emotions rather than any logic?
No way you think this thing is actually a human capable of feeling things.

Do you advocate for gun usage by any chance?
Jesus Christ, you’ve ignored practically everything I’ve said. Actual black slaves are fully conscious people with feelings, thoughts, emotions and nerve receptors. In terms of consciousness an unborn fetus before roughly the 24 week mark is comparable to a f*****g lizard. You’re using your emotions rather than any logic?
No way you think this thing is actually a human capable of feeling things.
View attachment 36948

Do you advocate for gun usage by any chance?
Level of development ≠ if a person is a human. Repent, God will severely judge you for advocating murder
Level of development ≠ if a person is a human. Repent, God will severely judge you for advocating murder
again, do you advocate for gun usage?
Again, now way you think this fuckung thing is a human. I mean come on like…
again, do you advocate for gun usage?
Again, now way you think this fuckung thing is a human. I mean come on like…
View attachment 36950
That's not an argument. Again level of development doesn't qualify if someone is a person. Life begins at conception agreed by almost 100% of biologists

Edit: let's just end this argument though. Cause no one's gonna change their mind
That's not an argument. Again level of development doesn't qualify if someone is a person. Life begins at conception agreed by almost 100% of biologists
Brother I don’t even know what to say you… you’ve ignored 90% of my points, the most important being what happens to the child after birth when they actual begin to experience life and have the ability to feel emotions and have sentience. You just ignored all of it… because you don’t give a fuck, you’re too overrun by emotions. Again no one in their right mind would consider the picture I pasted a human.
1) Care about personality
2) Can love women who are average
3) Care about family
4) Are loyal
5) Care about children

1) Only care about looks
2) Can only "love" gigachads
3) Divorce r**e their husband and destroy families
5) Kill children
this is the dumbest thing i’ve read, there are both bad people in each gender. if you genuinely believe this then you are going after the wrong people in life, not everyone is a cheater.
But does it have a conscience, is it a sentient being, that’s what matters. A fetus in its first trimester in terms of sentience is essentially equivalent to the sentience of an ant.
it feels pain
abortion is painful for the baby
they crush its head with clamps or inject saline which burns the baby's soft tissue and kills it
i believe almost all methods are painful? (correct me if im wrong)
third trimester is rare but it is very horrible as well
again, do you advocate for gun usage?
Again, now way you think this fuckung thing is a human. I mean come on like…
View attachment 36950
yes thats human and it feels pain its alive, it could grow to be a person.
im not gonna make the argument: oh! what if it grows up to cure cancer or something, because there is always the argument it will become a nazi or something terrible.(ive heard this argument before i find it irritating) what im saying is it can be a person with potential to change the world.
"Why are women and men so different [SERIOUS]?"

There is a genetic difference that influences body difference. That play a role on how they behave, but it is still subjected to the social circumstance.

You could gather data about both genders and come with a medium term conclusion applicable to most of human history surprising the currently social characteristics, but what really matters is if such information is congruent to be correctly applicable on your day to day basis or in the future.

You can very well happen to be in a socially fucked up circumstance in history, and that would translate to judging everybody you meet as being negative. This mind model of danger detection praises prejudice in order to protect the user, and is responsible for fucked up situations for the ones being judged. It is real problem for sociology and political groups since it were unable to produce a series of events where danger can be correctly avoided without producing a destabilization of trust and unity that creates counter movements that will clash against the other movement.
Political war, for many reasons, is inevitable. And if you are stuck to a society were the war is on you, there is nothing you can do to fix it. The influence of outside forces over your life will negatively impact you even if anything were promising. There is a war in the camp, get out of the camp.
yes thats human and it feels pain its alive, it could grow to be a person.
im not gonna make the argument: oh! what if it grows up to cure cancer or something, because there is always the argument it will become a nazi or something terrible.(ive heard this argument before i find it irritating) what im saying is it can be a person with potential to change the world.
That’s a dolphin Fetus…
it feels pain
abortion is painful for the baby
they crush its head with clamps or inject saline which burns the baby's soft tissue and kills it
i believe almost all methods are painful? (correct me if im wrong)
third trimester is rare but it is very horrible as well
Prior to 22 weeks the Fetus does not feel pain. If abortion occurs after 22 weeks pain medications are implemented and as I’ve said, no one is getting an abortion in the third trimester unless the pregnancy is deemed life threatening
Brother I don’t even know what to say you… you’ve ignored 90% of my points, the most important being what happens to the child after birth when they actual begin to experience life and have the ability to feel emotions and have sentience. You just ignored all of it… because you don’t give a f**k, you’re too overrun by emotions. Again no one in their right mind would consider the picture I pasted a human.
@Slicer the fact that disliked this comment without replying proves you truly don’t gaf about actual children. Majority of pro lifers don’t give a shit about saving lives, if that was the case they’d be adopting children and taking them out of the horrible system they are in.

You know this makes me think… on the surface it would seem like being pro-life would be a liberal ideology, preventing loss of life and speaking for “those” who are silenced. Yet it is a conservative ideology, the same conservatives who advocate for gun usage, are anti vegan, and are global warming deniers. It’s simply rooted in misogyny, incels are such a great example for this, a lot of incels are pro life yet advocate for things like TND TMD, they act like they care for life but truly they just want women to suffer. If men got pregnant there’d be an abortion clinic next to every gas station.
@Slicer the fact that disliked this comment without replying proves you truly don’t gaf about actual children. Majority of pro lifers don’t give a shit about saving lives, if that was the case they’d be adopting children and taking them out of the horrible system they are in.

You know this makes me think… on the surface it would seem like being pro-life would be a liberal ideology, preventing loss of life and speaking for “those” who are silenced. Yet it is a conservative ideology, the same conservatives who advocate for gun usage, are anti vegan, and are global warming deniers. It’s simply rooted in misogyny, incels are such a great example for this, a lot of incels are pro life yet advocate for things like TND TMD, they act like they care for life but truly they just want women to suffer. If men got pregnant there’d be an abortion clinic next to every gas station.
It is useless to argument when the debate don't have a system of showing data, becoming just a self replicating loop of opposite affirmations.
It may help to dew with your frustration with the debate by erasing the conversation from your mind rather then trying to win it again?
@Slicer the fact that disliked this comment without replying proves you truly don’t gaf about actual children. Majority of pro lifers don’t give a shit about saving lives, if that was the case they’d be adopting children and taking them out of the horrible system they are in.

You know this makes me think… on the surface it would seem like being pro-life would be a liberal ideology, preventing loss of life and speaking for “those” who are silenced. Yet it is a conservative ideology, the same conservatives who advocate for gun usage, are anti vegan, and are global warming deniers. It’s simply rooted in misogyny, incels are such a great example for this, a lot of incels are pro life yet advocate for things like TND TMD, they act like they care for life but truly they just want women to suffer. If men got pregnant there’d be an abortion clinic next to every gas station.
I didn't respond because there's no point in arguing with stubborn people who advocate for death. But since you @ me I'll respond.

You'd be surpised at how many pro life groups there are that literally say we will adopt your baby and offer financial support to mothers that keep their baby. Pastor Jeff Durbin is big in the pro life (more specifically abolitionist movement against abortion) and they openly have signs when at abortion clinics that say they will adopt their baby, yet most women still go in and willfully mutilate their child into pieces.

Just cause your black doesn't mean you have to mindlessly fall into liberal thinking. There are many black conservatives that have not been brainwashed by far left media that is everywhere nowadays.

The women who created Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a white supremacist who created it to be a place where black people had their children killed, as to decrease the black population and increase the holy white race as she believed. Today that still stands true as black women have by far the most abortions rate wize.

The moment of fertilization (conception) you have a living human. All of its DNA is formed and it's alive. The level of development doesn't determine if someone is a human, if that was the case we could arbitrarily choose to say 1 year olds aren't a human because they aren't developed enough. And we could murder them. But that's what is happening with unborn fetuses (fetus comes from Latin and means small child). They are being brutally murdered at a rate higher than the holocaust. And you are gonna sit by and be okay with that?

Again many pro life organizations are working with foster systems and actually conservatives adopt way more children than libs. Bet you didn't know that. It is never okay to murder a child and that's all I have to say
But does it have a conscience, is it a sentient being, that’s what matters. A fetus in its first trimester in terms of sentience is essentially equivalent to the sentience of an ant.
1 yr old bany is also not that special
its like a dog
should we kill it too
But does it have a conscience, is it a sentient being, that’s what matters. A fetus in its first trimester in terms of sentience is essentially equivalent to the sentience of an ant.
all coma nighers should be drowned in acid then??

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