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JFL Why do girls love these type of guys?

I think appearance-wise, girls would definitely like him. He is lean and has a friendly face.
Too much of a quirky golden retriever to be a unanimous chad. Most girls, if not all, love them a touch of darkness in a man. This is the type of dude that has no problem getting one night stands or LTR's but still ends up getting their heart broken way too often.

He's a lover for sure but just a heart breaker.
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if someone else wears those shit glasses they will be called a nerdy bitchboy
Trendy haircut, nice jaw, lean, a friendly smile, straight white teeth, nice lips

Looks hella annoying to me. Similar vibe to that girl. Kinda pretty, but you know that they are unsufferable to be around1722869187160.png
as a female (last time i checked) i do not find him attractive
He has nice eyes and trendy hair
autistic song i hate it my ear drums are going to explode
he has good teeth
shoulder and angle frauding from the top to make look more attractive
he also has good coloring
what girls mean when they say they want a "nerdy" bf (im cooked)
How do you retards find him attractive he has just good coloring with above avg facial features

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