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JFL why do people talk about raw milk all the time but nobody talks about eating a ton of raw eggs


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2024
from a nature standpoint, both have more-or-less the same goal: provide nutrients and energy for growth and development

but to me, eggs seem to be overlooked in favor of raw milk?

eggs have more, on a nutrient-per-dollar basis, protein, saturated fat, choline, tons of vitamins, and probably more minerals than milk.

they also have choline and cholesterol, and seem easier to consume in ridiculous quantities, from both technical and $ standpoint

1 liter of milk with like 4 or 5 eggs is a solid snack, you can eat another 4 or 5 eggs cooked or raw at another time of the day

just these 2 bring you at 90-120 grams of protein, with a shittonne of micronutrients, you can even spike your igf1 by adding a couple of spoonfuls of sugar, calciummaxx with the eggshells too

pedantic ahh n***a sorry saar i dont reread my posts just spend 2 mins clabbing away and hit send
My behaviour is not pedantic, it's the title lol

I dnr you entire post cuz I already explained my 12 egg a day divided into 4 servings throughout the day equally for choline uptake in the brain

It's over if you aren't modulating choline uptake, it's even more over if you aren't experimenting with creatine megadose or piracetam
My behaviour is not pedantic, it's the title lol

I dnr you entire post cuz I already explained my 12 egg a day divided into 4 servings throughout the day equally for choline uptake in the brain

It's over if you aren't modulating choline uptake, it's even more over if you aren't experimenting with creatine megadose or piracetam
Présentation: Boîte de 60 - Composition: Piracétam - Prix public de vente: 125.90 dhs

breddy cheap

mental health is cope anyway
Good thread, reading this makes me feel better about only having raw eggs instead of raw milk.
Good thread. I eat raw eggs too, just didn't write about it, they're superior.
IMO if you could only eat either raw milk or raw eggs id pick the eggs

meat is law tho, but yeah you cant eat it every meal without putting a hole in your pocket or eating cheap ZOGged meat
from a nature standpoint, both have more-or-less the same goal: provide nutrients and energy for growth and development

but to me, eggs seem to be overlooked in favor of raw milk?

eggs have more, on a nutrient-per-dollar basis, protein, saturated fat, choline, tons of vitamins, and probably more minerals than milk.

they also have choline and cholesterol, and seem easier to consume in ridiculous quantities, from both technical and $ standpoint

1 liter of milk with like 4 or 5 eggs is a solid snack, you can eat another 4 or 5 eggs cooked or raw at another time of the day

just these 2 bring you at 90-120 grams of protein, with a shittonne of micronutrients, you can even spike your igf1 by adding a couple of spoonfuls of sugar, calciummaxx with the eggshells too

raw milk is very tolerable compared to raw eggs. besides raw eggs are kinda nasty