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Discussion Why do you looksmaxx?


Jun 2, 2022
Are you doing it for the sake of just getting laid? jfl
Or in general u want to project some kind of personality

I mean what i've noticed is that things here are taken far too seriously and logical whereas in the first case scenario, it would be not that important (unless ur into modern women which are trash)

i mean people get laid of all types, lanky guys nerd guys, beefy guys, and even just like in the recent hobo accident u can even get a head.
i know im a woman and it’s obvious that any woman can get a guy, but i do this to actually feel good about myself. not a guy, necessarily. being ugly feels like shit, being fat feels like shit, rejection feels like shit, not taking care of oneself feels like shit. also, the fact that i have a potential to reach and that improvement is always there is something that gives me hope to continue moving forward and working harder. what’s the point of being content with where im at? that makes life boring. :)
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  • #5
I really let myself go that past couple years and I'm tired of being a fat ugly fuk, haven't gotten laid in almost 13 years (by choice at first), I have options but my options suck really bad.
this is absurd
first of all ur not that fat. I've seen worse guys getting laid than you no offense but thats what is infuriating about it all.
Its really game of luck afterall ig
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  • #6
Or these people just have some kind of fucking black swan event attracting aura that gets them to upload these things to the web, just makes me wonder how the fuck do they do that...
this is absurd
first of all ur not that fat. I've seen worse guys getting laid than you no offense but thats what is infuriating about it all.
Its really game of luck afterall ig
You might want to check out my introduction thread, i have videos of myself in there. I try to get laid based off looks alone, which worked when I was much better looking and in shape, I havent attempted in a long time because the only women who show interest are gross, lol.
I'm 15, 6'5", alright looking and overall very genetically fortunate but I'm in a horrible situation, so looksmaxxing is in my best interests

I don't care about women, I've gotten laid before and I'm overall treated pretty well by females, I'm just doing this for myself, because I will look + feel better
I feel like I'll lower my chances of being judged + pretty privilege
Male pretty privilege exists too, lol, I used to have it.

When I was in late high school I would often wear wife beaters to class and the teacher never said anything, anytime another student did the teacher would call them out on it and tell them to wear long sleeves from then on, it was always really out of shape guys that would wear them, I wasn't though, I was prime at the time.
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  • #21
people prefer uglies in this case cuz uglies are kinda loyal yknow (unless theyre self aware assholes that are asshole inspite of it)
depends on where u live, that "pretty privilege" backfires so hard in some countries that they hate ur gut no matter what inspite of how pretty u are or beside of how innocent you are
Ehhh ig, but either way I wouldn't milk the "pretty privilege" I just don't wanna get anxious over what others think of me, cause I also think the worse it's mentally draining. It's like being fat you're hyper aware of your body and that's all you think even when it comes to doing every day things in public. Why not make life a little bit easier and drop the weight?
i know im a woman and it’s obvious that any woman can get a guy, but i do this to actually feel good about myself. not a guy, necessarily. being ugly feels like shit, being fat feels like shit, rejection feels like shit, not taking care of oneself feels like shit. also, the fact that i have a potential to reach and that improvement is always there is something that gives me hope to continue moving forward and working harder. what’s the point of being content with where im at? that makes life boring. :)
If you're fat then you ought just lose weight.
Male pretty privilege exists too, lol, I used to have it.

When I was in late high school I would often wear wife beaters to class and the teacher never said anything, anytime another student did the teacher would call them out on it and tell them to wear long sleeves from then on, it was always really out of shape guys that would wear them, I wasn't though, I was prime at the time.
Lol, I remember in my day it was the same with fat girls wearing short skirts. Male teachers would always be on them about it but they left the hot girls alone.
Doesn't seem all too bad, besides the fact I would be getting moneymogged into oblivion
To have better social perception. But I think everyone looksmaxxes anyways, whether your on this forum or not.

I thought there was some gatekept advice in these forums but turns out it's all the same 💀
They have bad days and will pull the rug out from under you from time to time. They'll scream, they'll yell, and when all that's over with they'll want you to comfort them.

There's nothing more exhausting than comforting a woman you really have no feelings for.

One time I was banging my boss's secretary in order to get passport/visa copy's of all the other foreigners working for her, among other information. I wanted all the documents on the other foreigners working for her illegally so I could use that as leverage in case she ever tried withholding my salary or something. This girl thought we would get married one day. Talked about having kids and whatnot. I found I had no feelings for her pretty quickly but just didn't have the heart to break it off. I was so sick of her being at my apartment. Mistakenly I had given her a key and she'd spend about three nights a week over at my place. When riding the bus home from work I'd always find myself hoping against hope that she wouldn't be there.

Towards the end she could tell I really didn't care about her, girls can always tell subconsciously, and that led to me having to comfort her a lot. I finally moved to another apartment and just didn't give her a key. Broke it off with her about a week later. Made up a stupid excuse about how she behaved.

It was exhausting but in that relationship I held all the cards. I couldn't imagine doing what you're wanting to do. You won't only have to constantly comfort a woman that knows you have no feelings towards her, and probably not physically attracted to her either, but you'll also be subject to her every whim. She'll probably want you to move in with her and before you know it you'll be walking on eggshells. It will be grueling.
Lol, if you aren't fat then you shouldn't feel fat. Girls are funny.
that’s not my point, in my original response i was making a general statement about improving oneself. whether it’s weight or whatever else in order to improve. being fat is a shitty feeling, ask any fat person and they’d tell you that they’re ignored and ridiculed. i don’t need to be fat to understand that. :)
yeah thats what i’m talking about, im not fat personally but i can imagine it’s a shitty feeling. it’s better to work hard and improve than lay around feeling hopeless, ugly, AND fat.
Fat people are the purest examples of unattractive, hopeless office plants that are on the bottom of the caste system. When you are fat you are invisible to not only women but the rest of society, and same for women, all due to a factor entirely in their control.

I’ve seen a lot of lards that can easily become HTN if they simply lose weight and it’s painful to think how many potential chadlites or chads don’t exist in the world because they’re too heavy, a lot of actors, models and overall absolute moggers grew up chunky as well (Henry Cavill, Hernan Drago, Jon-Erik Hexum, David Gandy etc.)

As a meatball being fat is a very bad feeling. You’re worthless and it’s simple. A lot of people would like to act that they’d date heavier and there are exceptions like how I was able to get laid while borderline obese but if you’re fat you are just an office plant. Lean is law, anyone out of shape is not a human in the eyes of society for good reason.
that’s not my point, in my original response i was making a general statement about improving oneself. whether it’s weight or whatever else in order to improve. being fat is a shitty feeling, ask any fat person and they’d tell you that they’re ignored and ridiculed. i don’t need to be fat to understand that. :)
Yeah, but you're not fat.

Anyways a lot of people on these forums say I'm fat. Weighed 215+ at one point.


Never got treated any bit different. Maybe I'm just too gangster.

Yeah, but you're not fat.

Anyways a lot of people on these forums say I'm fat. Weighed 215+ at one point.

View attachment 34555

Never got treated any bit different. Maybe I'm just too gangster.

You’re definitely too gangster for this forum. You’re the purest example of a true pimp playa, don’t even know why you’re here fella, this isn’t
Fat people are the purest examples of unattractive, hopeless office plants that are on the bottom of the caste system. When you are fat you are invisible to not only women but the rest of society, and same for women, all due to a factor entirely in their control.

I’ve seen a lot of lards that can easily become HTN if they simply lose weight and it’s painful to think how many potential chadlites or chads don’t exist in the world because they’re too heavy, a lot of actors, models and overall absolute moggers grew up chunky as well (Henry Cavill, Hernan Drago, Jon-Erik Hexum, David Gandy etc.)

As a meatball being fat is a very bad feeling. You’re worthless and it’s simple. A lot of people would like to act that they’d date heavier and there are exceptions like how I was able to get laid while borderline obese but if you’re fat you are just an office plant. Lean is law, anyone out of shape is not a human in the eyes of society for good reason.
lean is truly law
Yeah, but you're not fat.

Anyways a lot of people on these forums say I'm fat. Weighed 215+ at one point.

View attachment 34555

Never got treated any bit different. Maybe I'm just too gangster.

good work man, i know that i’m not. i was just making a general statement in my og post. 😭
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  • #47
But I think everyone looksmaxxes anyways, whether your on this forum or not.
no, not everyone.

also there are non looksmaxxers on this forum, like admins or certain ppl that are already maxxed.
theyre here mostly to post content or sometimes even just to shit on you respectfully.

i kinda find it funny that admins run this forum because a regular model or chad like person wouldnt have a baseline on 'looks' subject, they'd be just simply living life without questioning it. (That'd be a truechad)

i personally dont do looksmaxxing bc i dont think i have anything to maxx or grow off. Not that it would help
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