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Why i don't trust any of yall


Apr 2, 2024
imo, posting your full face pictures is downright half retarded if you have a career, for example if my modeling agency saw i was telling people about negroidal traits i would be f****d, although you will receive loads of advice, posting pictures when anybody can easily creat an acc and see them and doxx you for opinions, its a shit trade
Okay cool, then don’t 🤷‍♂

No one said you had to
However it ain’t worth it
imo, posting your full face pictures is downright half retarded if you have a career, for example if my modeling agency saw i was telling people about negroidal traits i would be f****d, although you will receive loads of advice, posting pictures when anybody can easily creat an acc and see them and doxx you for opinions, its a shit trade
Also there was some guy on org named lebgfinal who kept posting his face and someone stole all the photos and is impersonating him to scam others
i post my face , my instagram is literally somewhere on the site ( wont tell ) , and i dont really f*****g care
i post my face , my instagram is literally somewhere on the site ( wont tell ) , and i dont really f*****g care
I’ve seen your instagram can confirm
high t trait tbh not giving a f**k about face being posted
You have your .com name in it regardless forum users have lots of time on their hands to do bad shit
imo, posting your full face pictures is downright half retarded if you have a career, for example if my modeling agency saw i was telling people about negroidal traits i would be f****d, although you will receive loads of advice, posting pictures when anybody can easily creat an acc and see them and doxx you for opinions, its a shit trade
I'm not on here saying anything crazy
imo, posting your full face pictures is downright half retarded if you have a career, for example if my modeling agency saw i was telling people about negroidal traits i would be f****d, although you will receive loads of advice, posting pictures when anybody can easily creat an acc and see them and doxx you for opinions, its a shit trade
I have experienced no problems at work and 80% of my real life jobs do back ground check and ask me about my youtube and postings online when it's jobs that deal with social media and tech work. When I explain my message and what I'm about it is viewed In a positive light and they love when I tell them stories about my travels and experiences

I believe it's what you tell them WHY that will give you a pass. I don't believe it's 100% black and white here. You can absolutely get away with showing your face in these communities as long as your behavior and message consistent and when they reverse search you they can verify. But I'm not saying your wrong. Alot of companies do no care why and just don't want to be associated however do you actually want to work for someone who doesn't allow workers to be themselves? Plenty of jobs to replace them.

Maybe be careful what you say and stay pretty consistent about your postings and what you believe so when they background check you it shows on the top of their reverse search. First thing a job sees for me is my insta. Youtube. but it's always my hope pilled stuff cuz it's what I post about the most.

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