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Story Why i got into LM


Jul 17, 2024
Arizona, USA
Instagram: german_r_murillo
I have a peer I've come into contact with over the summer, shared a class period, and got closer as the school year ended.
Got his number and he is this ultra-christian, looks-maxxing, money-making dude. All about making money and following all those gurus and course guide shenanigans, as well as being deeply theological. He first revealed this to me, and I slowly uncovered his LM idealizations later on.

Me & Him have been corresponding, as we both attend the same school and both have share the same entrepreneurial dreams, we bounce ideas off each other and discuss. And have made a pact to keep each other accountable throughout the upcoming school year and have growth every day.

Because of our pact, I deeply got into LM. I've figured that if i would like to make any progress, I should focus on getting my attractiveness peaked. Hell, maybe I'll post pictures of me & him at the start of this, and then after.
I have a peer I've come into contact with over the summer, shared a class period, and got closer as the school year ended.
Got his number and he is this ultra-christian, looks-maxxing, money-making dude. All about making money and following all those gurus and course guide shenanigans, as well as being deeply theological. He first revealed this to me, and I slowly uncovered his LM idealizations later on.

Me & Him have been corresponding, as we both attend the same school and both have share the same entrepreneurial dreams, we bounce ideas off each other and discuss. And have made a pact to keep each other accountable throughout the upcoming school year and have growth every day.

Because of our pact, I deeply got into LM. I've figured that if i would like to make any progress, I should focus on getting my attractiveness peaked. Hell, maybe I'll post pictures of me & him at the start of this, and then after.
LM brings people together.

Having someone with similar values around you is very valuable.

Hopefully you guys can figure something out and go far.
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