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Discussion Why is great cheekbones development more common in women than in men ?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2019
and for that matter, not only cheekbones development but overall facial structure/fwhr/jawline development. i thought that these were masculine traits, but when i'm hanging out i see much more women with well developed faces than men, and on the flipside i see much more men with very poor facial development than women. overall, you're much more likely to see on the street a woman with great facial bone structure than a man with slayer bone structure. given that what i'm saying is actually true and is not just some distorted view i have, why does this happen ? i originally thought that it was because of makeupmaxxing, but honestly makeup can't make your cheekbones and jaw THAT defined. it might help, but it definitely doesn't change totally someone's facial structure. could it be something related to men being more feminine nowadays, and women more masculine ? what do u guys think
estrogen increases release of GH/IGF-1/2 and IGF receptors

idk cunt
and for that matter, not only cheekbones development but overall facial structure/fwhr/jawline development. i thought that these were masculine traits, but when i'm hanging out i see much more women with well developed faces than men, and on the flipside i see much more men with very poor facial development than women. overall, you're much more likely to see on the street a woman with great facial bone structure than a man with slayer bone structure. given that what i'm saying is actually true and is not just some distorted view i have, why does this happen ? i originally thought that it was because of makeupmaxxing, but honestly makeup can't make your cheekbones and jaw THAT defined. it might help, but it definitely doesn't change totally someone's facial structure. could it be something related to men being more feminine nowadays, and women more masculine ? what do u guys think
Cheekbones are more of a feminine thing although crucial to both male/female facial aesthetics. Like a jawline is to a male face so are cheekbones to a female face
Cheekbones are more of a feminine thing although crucial to both male/female facial aesthetics. Like a jawline is to a male face so are cheekbones to a female face
low iq
they have smaller jaws so it gives the illusion of bigger cheekbones when compared to a male.
they have smaller jaws so it gives the illusion of bigger cheekbones when compared to a male.
also insanely low IQ, they do have big cheebones you hermaphrodite
you are looking for either flaws in the fact that girls have bigger cheekbones or environmental factors instead of the actual biology because of mike jew's bullshit
Also females ideal cheekbone shape and sharpness is different from that of a man's cheekbone projection and shape
cope, theres no ideal for females because some guys like moonface bitches and some like more masculine bitches but all women like chad with insane bone definition
you are looking for either flaws in the fact that girls have bigger cheekbones or environmental factors instead of the actual biology because of mike jew's bullshit
tbh the enviromental factors theory is true but not to the extent mike mew and those other cunts wanna make everyone believe. mewing from birth isn't going to make a difference from being a truecel or a chad. sure it's great for health reasons but come on
@Neo does have a point in that females ideally don't develop wide Jaws or Jaws wider than cheekbones which allows for the illusion of bigger cheekbones
every female with big cheebones ive seen also had big jaws

its illogical to think only the cheebones would grow and the jaw would stay pea sized
cope, theres no ideal for females because some guys like moonface bitches and some like more masculine bitches but all women like chad with insane bone definition
Ahh this is where you are wrong 😜 Guys have a higher sex drive making them lower the standards and accept more flaws in women. Not that they don't have an ideal for females
every female with big cheebones ive seen also had big jaws

its illogical to think only the cheebones would grow and the jaw would stay pea sized
one thing i also noticed is how ppl with smaller heads tend to have more prominent features. like, i've seen many manlets with slayer fwhr and bone structure, but it's not quite as easy to spot tall people with that good development. i think that may also be a factor, since generally women have smaller skulls than men
one thing i also noticed is how ppl with smaller heads tend to have more prominent features. like, i've seen many manlets with slayer fwhr and bone structure, but it's not quite as easy to spot tall people with that good development. i think that may also be a factor, since generally women have smaller skulls than men
could be bullshit tho tbhngl
so basically in order to get big bonez u drink many milk and ogremaxx so that u have constant high IGF-1 and grow bonez

so basically in order to get big bonez u drink many milk and ogremaxx so that u have constant high IGF-1 and grow bonez

pls do a ogremaxxing guide for caveman bone structure
every female with big cheebones ive seen also had big jaws

its illogical to think only the cheebones would grow and the jaw would stay pea sized
Check this out bigger cheekbones and more prominent than in comparison to the jawline
Men need high projected cheekbones and they don't necessarily have to protrude too much.

Example :

wamen would be taller than men if that was true.
yes i may not have all of the facts, but its true that estrogen increases the release of IGF-1 and expression of IGF-1 receptors

maybe their long bones fuse very quicc
btw, not directly related to the topic, did u guys ever notice that usually small skull = prominent features, meanwhile bigger skull = inkwell ?
idk, i see this very often tbh. manlets/wamlets with small skull and very good faces, meanwhile tall ppl with straight up recessed faces. i see that a lot, don't know if it means anything tho
idk, i see this very often tbh. manlets/wamlets with small skull and very good faces, meanwhile tall ppl with straight up recessed faces. i see that a lot, don't know if it might mean anything tho
Cuz it's rare to see a person with the full package!! Aka good height, face, and body
It's because excessive environmental Estrogen desensitives women's Estrogen receptors plus making them store more visceral fat which again lowers SHBG which again raises testosterone and androgen receptor Density

Women These days Show more androgenic tendencies in relation to their bodies than the average man

theres a nandrolone compound in the pill, on women it has a masculinizing effect, while on men it Acts totally feminizing without any exception
It's because excessive environmental Estrogen desensitives women's Estrogen receptors plus making them store more visceral fat which again lowers SHBG which again raises testosterone and androgen receptor Density

Women These days Show more androgenic tendencies in relation to their bodies than the average man

theres a nandrolone compound in the pill, on women it has a masculinizing effect, while on men it Acts totally feminizing without any exception
low iq pseudoscience
Men actually have more developed cheekbones, but way longer faces. I always thought my sister had a wider face, but when we took a picture, my face was actually a little wider and a lot longer. My fwhr is about 1.8, hers is about fucking 2.4
Men actually have more developed cheekbones, but way longer faces. I always thought my sister had a wider face, but when we took a picture, my face was actually a little wider and a lot longer. My fwhr is about 1.8, hers is about fucking 2.4
how the fuck is her fwhr 2.4 lol
and for that matter, not only cheekbones development but overall facial structure/fwhr/jawline development. i thought that these were masculine traits, but when i'm hanging out i see much more women with well developed faces than men, and on the flipside i see much more men with very poor facial development than women. overall, you're much more likely to see on the street a woman with great facial bone structure than a man with slayer bone structure. given that what i'm saying is actually true and is not just some distorted view i have, why does this happen ? i originally thought that it was because of makeupmaxxing, but honestly makeup can't make your cheekbones and jaw THAT defined. it might help, but it definitely doesn't change totally someone's facial structure. could it be something related to men being more feminine nowadays, and women more masculine ? what do u guys think
I guess cheekbones respond great to estrogen, like In men, high testosterone levels are associated with prominent cheekbones, wide jaw, and long chin (not gonial angle by any means). In women, high estrogen levels are associated with prominent cheekbones, narrow jaw, and short chin (not recessed by any means).

In today's day and age, you have estrogen pretty much everywhere, and feminization of men is real. therefore women if i could say; flow in estrogen, so i guess it make sense now, i find women with prominent cheekbones hot, and i would like to make out with such women
I guess cheekbones respond great to estrogen, like In men, high testosterone levels are associated with prominent cheekbones, wide jaw, and long chin (not gonial angle by any means). In women, high estrogen levels are associated with prominent cheekbones, narrow jaw, and short chin (not recessed by any means).

In today's day and age, you have estrogen pretty much everywhere, and feminization of men is real. therefore women if i could say; flow in estrogen, so i guess it make sense now, i find women with prominent cheekbones hot, and i would like to make out with such women
makes sense ngl
This is straight up ugly if you cut her hair. she is legit male

But you also have ugly females which don't look good to be honest. Despite her cheekbones