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Why Islam and Religion is essential for self improvement


New member
Jan 16, 2024
If anyone is struggling from any "mental disorder" this is for you.

I know some people will definitely comment on this thread with "Religion sheep 🤓⚛️" "No scientific evidence 🤓☝️", do not be a incel reddit athiest.

Religion, more specifically Islam has bettered my life in a way where all my past bad habits are eliminated, the belief in a higher power gives purpose to life, removes depression, and gives me the same happiness I had as a child. For example, Have you ever seen a depressed Muslim? No, any practicing muslim does not have depression.

Envision the ideal masculine man you would like to become, would he be an atheist? No, he would have a religion which he practices daily and lives his life by the standards of his god. Would your ideal woman be a degenerate athiest? No she would also live by the standards of her god. without god, societies crumble.

I was raised by a very christian mother, but I never really believed much in religion, I was always kind of agnostic until I was about 16 when I started reading the Qur'an, and realized that it was truth, then I said my shahada and converted to islam and I have never felt, so naturally happy.

Some people keep away from the religion because of the regulations it has, but Islam is not about regulations and obligations it is about your connection with the creator and as you get closer the the creator you naturally feel the need to obey him, and follow the rules which he has put in place such as, no beating your meat, no fornicating, no porn, no pork, no alchohol or drugs. All of which are nasty habits that destroy you. But god is not affected by your bad habits, it is only you that are affected by them, he is simply trying to help you better yourself. The love of god is like that of a father to his son, keeping his son away from things that will destroy his life. Even if the punishment is harsh, it is all so his son can be the best version of himself.

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron." Qur'an 13:11

I urge you all if you are trying to improve yourselves, start reading the Qur'an.

May Allah guide you.
islam is the perfect religion for a conquering state , and it can work for a society under supreme rule ( if i were a ruler i would pic islam as the state religion ) , but islam is really xenophobic ( islam says to not be friends with the jews and Christians ) that makes it a disaster for today's liberal world .
islam most favorable act is al jihad (conquest) again as i said that makes it a perfect religion for state that expands
nevertheless islam have some good core values regarding the self and improving it but a god that it has some theological paradoxes and fallacies that i cant get through
and before you start debating me note that i study theology , and that i grow up in muslim environment , ik the Quran and sunna
@Nihilus i have a question, is it true that Muhammad had a relationship/ was married to an 9-year-old ?
@Nihilus i have a question, is it true that Muhammad had a relationship/ was married to an 9-year-old ?
here is a research i did regarding the age of aisha
aisha have a sister named asma
asma is older than aisha by 10years
when muslims migrated to al medina asma was 26
muhammed married aisha a year after the migration
this makes aisha 17
do the math to check
here is a research i did regarding the age of aisha
aisha have a sister named asma
asma is older than aisha by 10years
when muslims migrated to al medina asma was 26
muhammed married aisha a year after the migration
this makes aisha 17
do the math to check
you study theology, you know more than me but after my research i found this. Are they spreading a myth ?
- Little is known about the early life of Aisha. A preponderance of classical sources converge on Aisha being 6 or 7 years old at the time of her marriage, and 9 at the consummation; her age has become a source of ideological friction in modern times.
you study theology, you know more than me but after my research i found this. Are they spreading a myth ?
- Little is known about the early life of Aisha. A preponderance of classical sources converge on Aisha being 6 or 7 years old at the time of her marriage, and 9 at the consummation; her age has become a source of ideological friction in modern times.
yeah it is like a mainstream myth
it is believed that Abbasid caliphs made this up just to justify their pedophilia
the Quran said that is allowed for a women to get married only when she reaches maturity , and no way 6 or 7 y/o are a mature age
muhammed wouldn't contradict the quran or he would be declared a false prophet by his own people
-In Islam you are allowed to get married as soon as you reach puberty. So the age would be 14 for most
the marriageable age is reached when a person, whether male or female, is considered mentally and physically mature enough to handle the responsibilities of marriage.

The Quran emphasizes the importance of obtaining the consent of both parties involved in a marriage. One verse that highlights this principle is found in Surah An-Nisa (4:21), which states:

Arabic: وَكَيْفَ تَأْخُذُونَهُ وَقَدْ أَفْضَىٰ بَعْضُكُمْ إِلَىٰ بَعْضٍ وَأَخَذْنَ مِنكُم مِّيثَاً غَلِيظًا

Translation: "And how could you take it while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a solemn covenant?"

This verse is part of a passage discussing the rights and responsibilities in marriage, emphasizing the mutual consent and agreement between the spouses.
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islam is the perfect religion for a conquering state , and it can work for a society under supreme rule ( if i were a ruler i would pic islam as the state religion ) , but islam is really xenophobic ( islam says to not be friends with the jews and Christians ) that makes it a disaster for today's liberal world .
islam most favorable act is al jihad (conquest) again as i said that makes it a perfect religion for state that expands
nevertheless islam have some good core values regarding the self and improving it but a god that it has some theological paradoxes and fallacies that i cant get through
and before you start debating me note that i study theology , and that i grow up in muslim environment , ik the Quran and sunna
Jihad means struggle, not conquest
Jihad means struggle, not conquest
jihad means fighting for the sake of god
القتال في سبيل الله
idk if you can speak arabic , but that literally means fighting in the sake of allah
jihad means fighting for the sake of god
القتال في سبيل الله
idk if you can speak arabic , but that literally means fighting in the sake of allah
Brother you have knowledge turn back to Allah Our sole purpose of existing on this dunya is to worship him alone
Brother you have knowledge turn back to Allah Our sole purpose of existing on this dunya is to worship him alone
You see , I don't want to get deep in theology and philosophy in a looksmaxxing forum
But let me tell you , a god that creates a whole race just so they can worship him , and if you don't you will suffer eternal damnation.
This sounds ridiculous to me , it doesn't sound like an all loving god will do that .
Just imagine yourself creating creatures in the lab then you tell them to worship you or else you'll burn them in eternal fire . If you did you will be called a sadistic psychopath.
Now make an analogy, is god a sadistic psychopath??!?
I'm still searching for god anw
islam is the perfect religion for a conquering state , and it can work for a society under supreme rule ( if i were a ruler i would pic islam as the state religion ) , but islam is really xenophobic ( islam says to not be friends with the jews and Christians ) that makes it a disaster for today's liberal world .
islam most favorable act is al jihad (conquest) again as i said that makes it a perfect religion for state that expands
nevertheless islam have some good core values regarding the self and improving it but a god that it has some theological paradoxes and fallacies that i cant get through
and before you start debating me note that i study theology , and that i grow up in muslim environment , ik the Quran and sunna
that is not how global domination works.

by enforcing an authoritarian religion you automatically make enmity around neighboring countries who will form an alliance against you
If anyone is struggling from any "mental disorder" this is for you.

I know some people will definitely comment on this thread with "Religion sheep 🤓⚛️" "No scientific evidence 🤓☝️", do not be a incel reddit athiest.

Religion, more specifically Islam has bettered my life in a way where all my past bad habits are eliminated, the belief in a higher power gives purpose to life, removes depression, and gives me the same happiness I had as a child. For example, Have you ever seen a depressed Muslim? No, any practicing muslim does not have depression.

Envision the ideal masculine man you would like to become, would he be an atheist? No, he would have a religion which he practices daily and lives his life by the standards of his god. Would your ideal woman be a degenerate athiest? No she would also live by the standards of her god. without god, societies crumble.

I was raised by a very christian mother, but I never really believed much in religion, I was always kind of agnostic until I was about 16 when I started reading the Qur'an, and realized that it was truth, then I said my shahada and converted to islam and I have never felt, so naturally happy.

Some people keep away from the religion because of the regulations it has, but Islam is not about regulations and obligations it is about your connection with the creator and as you get closer the the creator you naturally feel the need to obey him, and follow the rules which he has put in place such as, no beating your meat, no fornicating, no porn, no pork, no alchohol or drugs. All of which are nasty habits that destroy you. But god is not affected by your bad habits, it is only you that are affected by them, he is simply trying to help you better yourself. The love of god is like that of a father to his son, keeping his son away from things that will destroy his life. Even if the punishment is harsh, it is all so his son can be the best version of himself.

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron." Qur'an 13:11

I urge you all if you are trying to improve yourselves, start reading the Qur'an.

May Allah guide you.
bro your pfp literally has your navel. you are sexualizing yourself by showing your masculine physique. that's very disrespectful towards muslim views. now, im not going to force you to wear anything to cover yourself up, or even be muslim, but how can one claim to be muslim and yet not follow simple, well-known practices?
i would also like to state that mindset is definitely important towards self improvement, and some people follow a certain faith, which affects their mindset. converting to islam or any religion is not essential, but having set core values and an established, disciplined mindset is important.
the lack of answers and the nature of god and punishment in islam made me really depressed
approaching life philosophically is the best
You are different from the others, you are a star seed, probably not of this world.

Something has always felt off to you about the beliefs of this world. That is because the religions were created to enslave the humans here, and the religions were created by alien extraterrestrials, in order to enslave other extraterrestrials and aliens.
You are different from the others, you are a star seed, probably not of this world.

Something has always felt off to you about the beliefs of this world. That is because the religions were created to enslave the humans here, and the religions were created by alien extraterrestrials, in order to enslave other extraterrestrials and aliens.
interesting theory. i myself am interested in terrestrial life. is this post a conspiracy or thoughts about potential astrobiology and how it could have shaped life on earth? because i dont think that aliens could have interacted with humans to cause religions. there are many other theories to why it could have sprouted. money, fame, power, psychedelics, mental issues/illnesses, search for meaning of life, explanation to misunderstood phenomenon, a form of grieving death, etc.
You are different from the others, you are a star seed, probably not of this world.

Something has always felt off to you about the beliefs of this world. That is because the religions were created to enslave the humans here, and the religions were created by alien extraterrestrials, in order to enslave other extraterrestrials and aliens.
Shall I take it as a compliment jfl
interesting theory. i myself am interested in terrestrial life. is this post a conspiracy or thoughts about potential astrobiology and how it could have shaped life on earth? because i dont think that aliens could have interacted with humans to cause religions. there are many other theories to why it could have sprouted. money, fame, power, psychedelics, mental issues/illnesses, search for meaning of life, explanation to misunderstood phenomenon, a form of grieving death, etc.
They want you to believe in 2 narratives. First narrative is "the empty universe narrative". the universe is empty. Earth is the only planet that has life. Earth is the most special planet in the universe, humans are special the only life in the entire universe. there is no god and humans are the most intelligent life in the universe. Second narrative is the mainstream religion narrative of, the universe is empty, Earth is the only planet that has life, God made earth, earth is special, humans are the most intelligent life in the universe besides god and angels. Seeing a pattern here? They do not want you to believe the third narrative, which is that "earth is a mediocre planet", the universe is abundant with life, earth is not special, life is common in the universe, aliens have technology to visit other planets in our galaxy, maybe even there is technology to visit other galaxies as well.

As for semite religions it is schizo, it is people who have relationships with an invisible man. My alien belief is formed from a compilation of various testimonies and evidences. There are some mildly schizo things about it, such as praying to the aliens hoping they will send a ufo to rescue you, but it is not overall schizo as a whole. For example, you are not required to pray to aliens, I simply prayed to aliens as an act of desperation. But the semite religions encourage schizo behavoir (such as having faith in invisible men and having relationships with invisible men) and punishes those who stray from schizo behavoir. Whereas my alien beliefs, encourage believers to seek out scientific facts and research.

There are various things proven to be true about Hindu religions, for example the man who invented the nuke stole the concept of nukes from hindu religion. Later archeologists discovered an ancient city that got nuked thousands of years ago, that matched the Hindu texts. And, Hindus provided scientific diagrams of ufos before ufos became mainstream. And the USA has anti-gravity airplanes that look like ufos. Then also some Hindu monks created working levitation in the 1800s, verified by some scientists. You can buy levitation devices today on ebay. And in one of the Hindu temples they have special acoustic properties and decorations of drawings of cymatics.
They want you to believe in 2 narratives. First narrative is "the empty universe narrative". the universe is empty. Earth is the only planet that has life. Earth is the most special planet in the universe, humans are special the only life in the entire universe. there is no god and humans are the most intelligent life in the universe. Second narrative is the mainstream religion narrative of, the universe is empty, Earth is the only planet that has life, God made earth, earth is special, humans are the most intelligent life in the universe besides god and angels. Seeing a pattern here? They do not want you to believe the third narrative, which is that "earth is a mediocre planet", the universe is abundant with life, earth is not special, life is common in the universe, aliens have technology to visit other planets in our galaxy, maybe even there is technology to visit other galaxies as well.

As for semite religions it is schizo, it is people who have relationships with an invisible man. My alien belief is formed from a compilation of various testimonies and evidences. There are some mildly schizo things about it, such as praying to the aliens hoping they will send a ufo to rescue you, but it is not overall schizo as a whole. For example, you are not required to pray to aliens, I simply prayed to aliens as an act of desperation. But the semite religions encourage schizo behavoir (such as having faith in invisible men and having relationships with invisible men) and punishes those who stray from schizo behavoir. Whereas my alien beliefs, encourage believers to seek out scientific facts and research.

There are various things proven to be true about Hindu religions, for example the man who invented the nuke stole the concept of nukes from hindu religion. Later archeologists discovered an ancient city that got nuked thousands of years ago, that matched the Hindu texts. And, Hindus provided scientific diagrams of ufos before ufos became mainstream. And the USA has anti-gravity airplanes that look like ufos. Then also some Hindu monks created working levitation in the 1800s, verified by some scientists. You can buy levitation devices today on ebay. And in one of the Hindu temples they have special acoustic properties and decorations of drawings of cymatics.
you were cooking in most of the first half paragraph, rest is schizo. def agree too much anthrocentrism, and possibly government coverups. but yeah, the universe is genuinely BIG, beyond human comprehension, and many different planets have been found that are suitable for life. I believe aliens exist, but there is a small chance we will ever meet. the universe is expanding and galaxies are moving far away from each other. at some point, if life develops after this time, aliens might not even know of other galaxie's existence. also idk why mfs pray to aliens or give strange testimonials. chances are we wont meet them for long, were not even 1 on the karashev scale yet. maybe they visited, or maybe government shenanigans unrelated to aliens.
you were cooking in most of the first half paragraph, rest is schizo. def agree too much anthrocentrism, and possibly government coverups. but yeah, the universe is genuinely BIG, beyond human comprehension, and many different planets have been found that are suitable for life. I believe aliens exist, but there is a small chance we will ever meet. the universe is expanding and galaxies are moving far away from each other. at some point, if life develops after this time, aliens might not even know of other galaxie's existence. also idk why mfs pray to aliens or give strange testimonials. chances are we wont meet them for long, were not even 1 on the karashev scale yet. maybe they visited, or maybe government shenanigans unrelated to aliens.
aliens are real and already here

answer me this. do u think if aliens controlled this world they would advertise in broad daylight about it? so naturally the evidence of aliens is very murky, nobody knows for sure except for those seen it first hand. i have seen evidence of ETs first hand btw. So again you need to have faith and do research on your own. Because if aliens did control this world they aren't gonna teach you this in schools. You have to decide to either research on your own, or just accept the mainstream vanilla narrative

has nothing to do with karashev scale. have you played a game called Tales of Arise? The aliens enslaved the humans in that game. And the humans use primitive technology even though the aliens have advanced tech. Because the reason they are enslaved has nothing to do with technology, they just want humans to work in order to feed off astral energy. And look around you IRL. All humans do is work and wagecuck. Even in first world nations. Even though a lot of jobs could be replaced by robots and UBI easily.

a lot of japanese games are based on true stories. for instance smash bros 5. its about aliens enslaving humans. and people brainwashed by religion.

more proof click here:
aliens are real and already here

answer me this. do u think if aliens controlled this world they would advertise in broad daylight about it? so naturally the evidence of aliens is very murky, nobody knows for sure except for those seen it first hand. i have seen evidence of ETs first hand btw. So again you need to have faith and do research on your own. Because if aliens did control this world they aren't gonna teach you this in schools. You have to decide to either research on your own, or just accept the mainstream vanilla narrative

has nothing to do with karashev scale. have you played a game called Tales of Arise? The aliens enslaved the humans in that game. And the humans use primitive technology even though the aliens have advanced tech. Because the reason they are enslaved has nothing to do with technology, they just want humans to work in order to feed off astral energy. And look around you IRL. All humans do is work and wagecuck. Even in first world nations. Even though a lot of jobs could be replaced by robots and UBI easily.

a lot of japanese games are based on true stories. for instance smash bros 5. its about aliens enslaving humans. and people brainwashed by religion.

more proof click here:
so you mean we are enslaved metaphorically by society to be wage cucks? i get that part if thats what you mean. dunno about existence of aliens on earth, dont follow religion either
so you mean we are enslaved metaphorically by society to be wage cucks? i get that part if thats what you mean. dunno about existence of aliens on earth, dont follow religion either
yes. they banned slavery officially, but unofficially slavery just transmutated into something else, the daily wagecucking that occurs due to a dysfunctional economy