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Info why mewing might work better for some


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2019
a very important factor that plays into how your maxilla grows is your cranial base.
first off : the cranial base is the set of bones on the "floor" of your skull that connects your neurocranium with your splanchnocranium. why is this important ? it's because having a well developer cranial base, which has a wide internal angle, means that your splanchnocranium will generally grow forwards, thus giving you a forward grown maxilla along with all of its benefits (cheekbones, mandible, nose, ecc...)
as you can see, having a narrow internal angle on your cranial base will result in the typical recessed look, with a downward grown maxilla, a recessed mandible, the whole 9 yards basically.
here is a visual representation of a genetically cursed person, and a genetically blessed person solely on their cranial base
Captura de Tela 2019-10-19 às 09.41.19.png
as you can see, the difference is night and day. cranial base is basically the precursor to correct posture : even though posture does have an effect, It still doesn't account for the fact that if your cranial base is trash there's no hope. obviously a bad cranial base means a big looking neurocranium compared to the splanchno, meaning that the warrior/wimp skull is true to some extent.
now, there is literally nothing you can do to improved your cranial base. it's partly linked to ethnicity, since blacks for example generally have a better cranial base angle, thus they have better projecting maxillas and mandibles, along with great ramuses. asians on the other hand are much more screwed in this department unfortunately, and whites are also kinda disadvantaged. it's also a matter of testosterone, since having low androgenic tendencies means that your cranial bones fuse earlier, meaning that It leaves less room for your splanchnocranium to develop thus making It underdeveloped.
with this post i don't wanna discredit mewing since i kinda believe to it, but then again it's straight up delusional to think maxilla position is solely based on upbringing, like some idiot on the great work seemed to suggest. in conclusion, mew but don't expect that much from It
Mewing doesn't work
You should maintain correct tongue posture as it makes your hyoid bone go up so your submental area becomes tighter, your jawline looks more defined and you dont have a "double chin".

All the other benefits you could get from mewing are just extras and you shouldnt really expect to get them, if you get them consider yourself lucky.
Forward growth is overrated.
Having absolutely none is just as bad as having too much forward growth.
blacks dont have better maxillas
but they do. they don't all have insane maxillas, but they're better anyway than the typical white or asian meltcel. plus, i'm talking about strictly african people, not african americans. yes they have bimax, but their maxilla is still protruding nevertheless, so definitely better than having a melted one
but they do. they don't all have insane maxillas, but they're better anyway than the typical white or asian meltcel. plus, i'm talking about strictly african people, not african americans. yes they have bimax, but their maxilla is still protruding nevertheless, so definitely better than having a melted one
yep, thats bimaxxilary protrusion not a true projected maxilla and idk why you say it looks better than a recessed one, they both look terrible. its better your maxilla is flat because bimax protrusion gives that ugly 'duck mouth'

but they do. they don't all have insane maxillas, but they're better anyway than the typical white or asian meltcel. plus, i'm talking about strictly african people, not african americans. yes they have bimax, but their maxilla is still protruding nevertheless, so definitely better than having a melted one
yep, thats bimaxxilary protrusion not a true projected maxilla and idk why you say it looks better than a recessed one, they both look terrible. its better your maxilla is flat because bimax protrusion gives that ugly 'duck mouth'

btw signs of a good cranial base are :
-deep set eyes (no bug eyes whatsoever)
-positive canthal tilt
-presence of brow ridge
-class I occlusion without any orthodontic treatment

if you got most of these you most likely have an atleast decent cranial base
btw signs of a good cranial base are :
-deep set eyes (no bug eyes whatsoever)
-positive canthal tilt
-presence of brow ridge
-class I occlusion without any orthodontic treatment

if you got most of these you most likely have an atleast decent cranial base
I have all of these