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Why my hair so oily

try some anti dandruff shampoos asw n wash ur hair every other day
Already doing the every other day part. I'll try anti dandruff 😘

Fun fact: in middle school I got chemical burns from head and shoulders and my scalp developed weird little crystals and everyone would look and go EWWWWWWWW. still remained popular tho
Already doing the every other day part. I'll try anti dandruff 😘

Fun fact: in middle school I got chemical burns from head and shoulders and my scalp developed weird little crystals and everyone would look and go EWWWWWWWW. still remained popular tho
Omfd I had the same problem last week bc I thought using head and shoulders would get rid of my oily hair but instead I got like white flakes in my head
Thought that shit was jus for acne
it reduces oil production for the whole body including hair
low dosing it will make your hair less oily
make your skin look younger (it has the same effects of tretnoin on skin)
make you cancer resistant
make you less acne prone
and take that! no side effects! because the dosage is so low it wont effect you at all unless you are very fucking unlucky and have an allergy or something
only bad thing that could happen is dry lips which you should be using chapsticks aynway
it reduces oil production for the whole body including hair
low dosing it will make your hair less oily
make your skin look younger (it has the same effects of tretnoin on skin)
make you cancer resistant
make you less acne prone
and take that! no side effects! because the dosage is so low it wont effect you at all unless you are very fucking unlucky and have an allergy or something
only bad thing that could happen is dry lips which you should be using chapsticks aynway
Damn seems worth a try. I don't think i could get it prescribed tho. My skin is more on the clear side and I occasionally break out but very little.
Damn seems worth a try. I don't think i could get it prescribed tho. My skin is more on the clear side and I occasionally break out but very little.
honestly just ask for it and say that youre avere of the risks blah blah blah derms dont really care
i also dont even have a perscribtion rn i just go to pharmacy and but it no one even questions but depends on where you live
same...maybe try to wash it everyday. Sofia vergara does it and her hair is goals
bad diet and lifestyle
use a less invasive shampoo, more quality hair products
pH Balanced, Sulfate-Free, No Heavy Oils
La-Roche Posay and Nizoral are good options of shampoos
Salicylic acid is good too
reduce omega 6 consumption and balance out them omega 6's with omega 3's from flaxseeds and fatty fish
Rosemary water will also be good for your situation
bad diet and lifestyle
use a less invasive shampoo, more quality hair products
pH Balanced, Sulfate-Free, No Heavy Oils
La-Roche Posay and Nizoral are good options of shampoos
Salicylic acid is good too
reduce omega 6 consumption and balance out them omega 6's with omega 3's from flaxseeds and fatty fish
Rosemary water will also be good for your situation
Very informative ty 😯