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Discussion WHY we are RACIST some reflections and more


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires

Racism is an invented liberal term.

The only thing that exists is being aware of differences in the characteristics of people of a given race.

When it is said that Germanic people are better engineers because of the high concentration they can put into small details, it is not much different from saying that people of West African descent are better sprinters because of the high density of fast twitch muscle fibers they possess.

These differences are clear and are TRUE.


I believe that racism or discrimination in general, is a primitive fear of what is different. From a genetic and evolutionary point of view, we value for example, facial symmetry, because we take it unconsciously as a sign of health and therefore healthy genes, the same can be applied with race, certain physical traits or aspects (neoteny etc) of culture that we take as positive or good because they are familiar to us and because they have the approval of the group (whites), the latter is also very important, we are social animals, although nowadays it is easier to survive alone, in the past the individual who was alone was practically condemned to die, while belonging to a group guaranteed food, protection, reproduction, in short, survival: survival. That is why I believe that feelings such as compassion and attitudes such as tolerance are signs of evolution, as we overcome our primordial fears, in pursuit of having a society that, in the end, if it works, benefits us all.

in the west clearly being Caucasian or having white features gives you privileges as the whole culture is centered on it.

racism exists everywhere on earth but evolutionarily I have no explanation as to why it happens and why we generally prefer Caucasian or light-skinned features etc.

The world is eurocentric in culture, beauty standards, language, etc because most of the world was under european control at one point. The colonizers are obviously perceived to be superior and so lots of positive qualities are still subconsciously attributed to them due to generations of cultural conditioning. Also this map is slightly deceiving because it doesnt take into account the eurpoean countries that were under the control of larger more powerful empires.

whats the proof with the germanic people? never heard of that

yes its true there are differences due to different genes commonly found in certain ethnic groups

"eurocentric" or europid caucasian features specifically are considered attractive cuz of western media. western media is extremely popular and influential. an example is hollywood. also colonial powers. so this creates a standard seen all over the world.

there is no such thing as a "superior" race and it is not fair to discriminate people based on appearances. instead we should judge based on abilities and content of our character
The world is eurocentric in culture, beauty standards, language, etc because most of the world was under european control at one point. The colonizers are obviously perceived to be superior and so lots of positive qualities are still subconsciously attributed to them due to generations of cultural conditioning. Also this map is slightly deceiving because it doesnt take into account the eurpoean countries that were under the control of larger more powerful empires.

View attachment 39519
SK, japan and thailand love white people. European caucasians are perceived as better, they just overall have better traits. I.e. Bones, Height, and coloring which mostly can make them stand out from everyone in the world. No one has their coloring.
The world is eurocentric in culture, beauty standards, language, etc because most of the world was under european control at one point. The colonizers are obviously perceived to be superior and so lots of positive qualities are still subconsciously attributed to them due to generations of cultural conditioning. Also this map is slightly deceiving because it doesnt take into account the eurpoean countries that were under the control of larger more powerful empires.

View attachment 39519
Not eurocentric, that's a Jewish myth . It's more about general indicators of health and youth and sexual success: Europeans don't have all the good features in fact they genetically possess some subhuman traits such as wide hips ( adaptation to cold ) , longer midfaces ( can't figure out the reason yet ) ect , each race has features and traits that adds to their genetic advantage. With the Caucasoid race ( Indo Europeans , semites , and north Africans ) possessing the majority of these traits because they are widely diverse
Not eurocentric, that's a Jewish myth . It's more about general indicators of health and youth and sexual success: Europeans don't have all the good features in fact they genetically possess some subhuman traits such as wide hips ( adaptation to cold ) , longer midfaces ( can't figure out the reason yet ) ect , each race has features and traits that adds to their genetic advantage. With the Caucasoid race ( Indo Europeans , semites , and north Africans ) possessing the majority of these traits because they are widely diverse
I think longer midface adaptation is due to the colder and drier air meaning that they needed narrower, longer noses to process and heat up the air which they inhale.
longer midfaces ( can't figure out the reason yet )
maybe small jaws make a longer midface
also longer nose in cold environments means the air is warmed up as it is passing thru
or there is no advantage it simply exists, which is true in some features
I think longer midface adaptation is due to the colder and drier air meaning that they needed narrower, longer noses to process and heat up the air which they inhale.
maybe small jaws make a longer midface
also longer nose in cold environments means the air is warmed up as it is passing thru
or there is no advantage it simply exists, which is true in some features
Congrats both of you 👏 , thanks
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