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Guide Why you have low testosterone and how to fix it | A complete guide for boosting testosterone


Fitness coach and professional gymcel
May 4, 2024

A complete guide for fixing your testosterone levels

Disclaimer: Nothing in this guide is to be seen as medical or legal advice. I am not responsible for your actions. I only recap and sum up my own research.

Table of contents:

1) Introduction
2) Low Testosterone - Why your testosterone might be lower than you think
3) How to find your actual testosterone levels
4) How to raise your testosterone naturally
4.1) Fixing your training
4.2) Fixing your recovery
4.3) Fixing your diet
4.4) Science backed supplements that raise test
5) Unnatural testosterone elevation


Males having lower and lower testosterone through the decades is nothing new. Everyone who at least looked up testosterone once knows that. Our lifestyle, food and so many other things impact our testosterone so dramatically, that it dropped by around 25% in the last 20 years only as seen in the graph below.
Testosterone is not only essential for our development as we go through puberty, but its also important for an overally healthy life.
In terms of health impact, testosterone not only supports muscle protein synthesis, which helps us to build and maintain muscle, but it also maintains our bone density, keeps our fat distribution in check and is widely responsible for energy levels in men. Also our sexual health is impacted by testosterone. Its responsible for libido, ED and our sperm production. There are a lot of other factors why you should have healthy test such as mental health, cardiovascular health etc, but that should be enough to convince everyone here to have a look at their testosterone.

Why your testosterone levels might actually be lower than you think

Guessing you work out, sleep enough and keep your diet somewhat healthy, your testosterone should be fine right? Not necessarily. There are substances and actions that are totally normal for us but many dont know that these might lower testosterone.

Endocrine Disruptors:
Endoctrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with thte body's endocrine system. They can mimic, block or even alter natural hormones in the body leading to potential health issues.
They can block testosterone binding to receptors, act like testosterone and bind to our receptors or just alter testosterone.
Examples of endocrine disruptors are:
- Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastics, food containers, shampoo bottles etc.
- Phthalates: Found in soft plastics, cosmetics and fragrances
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Industrial chemicals banned in many countries but they still persist in the enviroment
- Pesticides like DDT or Atrazine
- Heavy metals like Lead, mercury and cadmium
- Phytoestrogens: Found in soy and other plans. Mimic estrogen
These substances should be avoided.

Processed foods:
Processed foods can also lower your test due to their composition, additives, etc.
- Trans fats are commonly found in processed snacks, fried foods or baked goods. They increase inflammation and oxidative stress damaging cells in the testes that produce our test
- Refined carbs are also commonly found in processed foods. They cause blood sugar spikes which can lead to obesity and metobolic disorders. These further suppress testosterone
- Soy based additives contain phytoestrogens (read above about endocrine disruptors)
As we can see, processed foods should be avoided. "I cant eat so much healthy food in a bulk its too much" is not an excuse to eat like shit.
A poor lifestyle can also impact your testosterone production by affecting hormonal balance, metabolic health etc.
- Nutrient deficiency for example lacking essential nutrients like zinc, magnesium, vitamin D etc impairs testosterone synthesis
- Obesity can also affect testosterone because fat tissue converts testosterone into estrogen via the enzyme aromatase which ultimatly lowers total testosterone
- Also a lack of physical activity, sleep deprivation and chronic stress can impact testosterone levels, but more on that later
- Drugs like alcohol, recreational drugs, tobacco, etc will also impact testosterone

How to find your actual testosterone levels

The only way one can see their testosterone levels is by doing a blood test. Means get your blood analysed by a lab. There are indicators or low/high testosterone but Ill go over the only real way first.
Since we not only want to see our total testosterone but also see underlying issues incase the test levels are low, you should get tested for these blood markers:
- Total Testosterone
- Free testosterone
- LH & FSH
- E2 (Estradiol aka estrogen)
Also check for mineral and vitamin deficiencies
If your levels return with above 800 ng/dl, consider yourself having high testosterone. Until 600 is fine but I'd recommend to at least try to raise it. Below 500ng/dl you should definitly take actions
A blood test for these markers should only cost about 100€. Incase you have health insurance, you can probably mark that as yearly checkup with your doctor and get your insurance to pay for it.
Without a blood test, check for indicators like lethargy, depression, slow muscle building, fast fat gain, etc.

How to raise your testosterone naturally

Now that we know what might cause a testosterone deficiency and also how to measure it, we can now work on fixing a deficiency or boosting our testosterone.
We can achieve that by fixing our diet, sleep, training and lifestyle but also add supplements.

Fixing your training
Nothing new for most people that exercising helps testosterone production. Not all training methods help good or might even interfere with it. Below, there is a little checklist what to do to

- Do compound movements like bench, deadlifts, squats, OHP, pull ups, dips, etc.
- Exercise at least 4 times a week. Do not skip leg days. Rather go training in the evening than in the morning as you have more optimal nutrition then
- Cardio should not put you in a caloric deficit. Do HIIT like sprinting instead of low intensity training like jogging or walking on a stairmaster
- DONT OVERTRAIN. Focus on hyperthropy but there is no need to be doing 8 sets of benchpress. 2-3 sets per exercise is totally enough if you train hard enough. Dont exceed 9-12 sets per muscle group. For example, I do 7 sets of chest which gives me way better results than doing like 15 sets before I switched
Overtraining will also interfere with your recovery

Fixing your recovery
While sleeping, most of the test is produced. Good sleep is chained to good test production.
- Sleep at LEAST 7 hours per night. Better be 8-9. Go to bed at the same time every day and get up accordingly
- Avoid caffeine 4 hours at least before going to bed. Avoid eating before bed
- If you cant fall asleep fast which will mess up your sleep time, try melatonin and 0.5-2mg 30 mins before bed. L Theanine can also help
- To optimize your REM sleep, which is when most test is produced, Take 100-300mg of magnesium before bed

Fixing your diet
As mentioned before, a bad diet will rip your test production. Taking bad foods out of your diet helps well, but there is also foods that help increase testosterone
If your bodyfat is above 20-25%, your test levels will decline. Means if you are fat, cut your fat down asap. Ideal range is 12-16% bf

Here is some info to help fix your diet
- Avoid alcohol as it destroys your testosterone. Dont be scared to have a drink here and then but better avoid it.
- Avoid sugar. natural sugar (for example fruit sugar) is fine but avoid refined sugars
- Eat enough fat. Healthy fats for example butter, olive oil, animal fat etc. will help with testosterone production. Eat at LEAST 1g per kg of bodyweight daily
- Broccoli and cauliflower contain precursors to DIM which is a natural aromatase inhibitor. Less estrogen conversion means more free testosterone
- Avoiding processed foods as described earlier in the guide is essential

Science backed supplements that raise test

There are also supplements that raise testosterone. This part will cover the natural ones, which I would recommend instead of unnatural ones.

- Magnesium helps with sleeping but also with testosterone. I'd recommend to take 300mg daily split in 2 doses, 100mg before training, 200mg before sleep
- Zinc. Only do this if your bloodwork shows a deficiency in zinc. If so, take 20mg of zinc daily
- Vitamin D3 deficiency is pretty common nowadays as people tend to not go outside enough. Just get 30 minutes of sunlight on your body daily. Shirtless obv. Obviously its hard to get that in fall or winter so take a supplements. How much depends on your bodyweight so better calculate it or talk to a doctor. Never take too much. Take D3 with K2 as it helps absorb the D3 better
- Ashwagandha also helps as it lowers stress which raises testosterone production. Only helps if you are stressed a lot. Its worth trying for everyone
- Stuff like D-Aspartic Acid or Shilajit can also help but no guarantee on that
- If your SHBG is too high, try Boron. Dont do it without a blood test and without doctors guidance

Unnatural testosterone elevation

Do not do this when you are under 18. Better wait until at least 21-25. Dont do this without bloodwork. Dont do this blindly without research. Im not responsible for any of the readers actions.

For the following substances, dosage and sourcing is not mentioned to prevent usage in minors in this forum. Find them out yourself. AIs and SERMs can close growth plates too early so if you want to grow a little bit taller dont do it

Aromatase Inhibitors
Aromatase Inhibitors (AI) help with testosterone by preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This can be beneficial in people with high estrogen, people where estrogen to testosterone ratio is fucked and where estrogen suppresses testosterone.
Aromatase is an enzyme which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. The AI blocks this enzyme which leaves more free testosterone in the body.
This results in the body noticing the low estrogen and producing more test to get do more conversion

- Increase in test levels
- Improved fertility
- Reduction in estrogen related symptoms such as gynecomastia or ED

It comes with these risks:
- Estrogen crash
- joint pain, fatique, hot flashes, reduced bone density with long term use
Commonly used are Anastrozole and Aromasin

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs not to be confused with SARMs) help with test production by altering how the body responds to estrogen. They bind to estrogen receptors which signals the body that estrogen is too low. This makes the body produce more testosterone to get more test to e2 conversion. This process makes the body produce more LH and FSH which stimulates the balls to produce more test

Benefits of SERMs
- Boost testosterone production
- Preserve Fertility
- Treat Gynecomastia
- No permanent effects

- Can act as estrogen antagonists in for example bones and liver
- Hot flashes, mood swings, increased risk of blood clots if used too long
- Not a long term solution

SERMs are generally a better option than AI. Examples would be Nolvadex and Enclomiphene

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
HCG mimics the actions of LH which signals the testes to produce more testosterone. Its generally better and safer than AIs and SERMs but only available in injectable form.

- Directly stimulates test production
- Preserves fertility
- Combats test shrinkage on trt or cycles (only relevant for PED users)
- Boosts other hormones aswell

- Can potentially reduce long term responsiveness to LH like stimulation
- Can increase estrogen
- Acne, mood swings, headaches, testicular pain
- HCG Dependency

Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Pretty obvious, injecting 200 test in your ass every week will obviously get the test to high levels. Dangerous, should be avoided below 25. Just dont do it if you dont need it

Incase of questions, pm me or simply leave a comment :)

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