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Discussion Why you should only marry a virgin women

virgins should just marry eachother i’m genuinely tired of the used up men acting like they deserve a virgin woman when they stick their penis in 34 different girls biweekly
Weren't you begging to a gymbro chad that had an ex?
n***a people have sex this doesn’t mean that whitepill is a cuck for getting with a woman who has had sex holy shit💀 cheating and having a sexual past are different things
People with most past partners are moreblikely to cheat than people with less partner
That's why the "she enjoys with me zaar" cope of @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR is master cuck statement and well @Whitepill is just retarded
People with most past partners are moreblikely to cheat than people with less partner
That's why the "she enjoys with me zaar" cope of @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR is master cuck statement and well @Whitepill is just retarded
-cuck based off looks purely
At least im a true subhuman incel and not a normie cuck
People with most past partners are moreblikely to cheat than people with less partner
That's why the "she enjoys with me zaar" cope of @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR is master cuck statement and well @Whitepill is just retarded
@TonyTheLooksmaxxDR never stated any body counts in any statements tho, obviously a disgustingly high body count is gross but just having a girl with a NORMAL sexual past is not cuck behavior🤦‍♀️
he’s only ever liked her, he’s never dated anyone so i can infer that he’s a virgin as well and if he’s not then oh well. either way he’s only ever liked one girl in his life and not dated anyone.
The reason why used up men get away with claiming virgins is because you all don't care. Evey time I see a reel of someone saying "remembering that one time my ex..." as if they didnt have the option to know them better before engaging or just leaving them if what they did was so terrible. Everybody has their standards, worth of them or not, so just worry about yours
virgins should just marry eachother i’m genuinely tired of the used up men acting like they deserve a virgin woman when they stick their penis in 34 different girls biweekly
I've slept with a total of 11 women my whole life since my first gf at 12yo, expecting a virgin woman will be hypocrite imo
Plus few weeks ago my girlfriend was mad at me because a girl she knows, my former sexfriend, has tried to reach out to me once again
If i follow Chorizopan logic my gf is the cuck lmao
hope this help you sleep at night

its funny to make claims like such when you have never spouted anything signalling any bit of intelligence in your life
ye cuz it is
im bottom percentile looks even fully Looksmaxxed
selfclaimed subhuman trying to elaborate something
I've slept with a total of 11 women my whole life since my first gf at 12yo, expecting a virgin woman will be hypocrite imo
Plus few weeks ago my girlfriend was mad at me because a girl she knows, my former sexfriend, has tried to reach out to me once again
If i follow Chorizopan logic my gf is the cuck lmao
Wait till you find out about hers
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  • #76
men get praised for sleeping around but if a women does it shes shamed

im not saying either is justified but still
I don’t remember saying we men should sleep around either . My point is both men and women should save their virginity till marriage
Now you are trying to use my looks against me? great so 0 arguments
The point was that you call me someone that doesn't know how to looksmax but you are self-claiming as "unsavable", therefore you are the one that doesn't know how to fix yourself or are too lazy to do so. Of course you canr get the point since the only subhuman part of your body is your brain

You prob just a fat kid that copes with raw primal and shit so you don't put down the fork
hope this help you sleep at night

its funny to make claims like such when you have never spouted anything signalling any bit of intelligence in your life
Ur mtn cuck
Self hating mutt too, hope you get your a10 gf
Also jfl at calling this "arguments", you just rambling

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