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Will doing lateral raises and overhead press be enough to build huge shoulders?

In my opinion, the best exercises for building shoulders are the Barbell Overhead Press, Cable Lateral Raise, Machine Press, and Weighted Wide Grip Pull-Ups. These gave me great results, but genetics might also play a role. Normally, this routine should be enough, but it’s important to switch things up after a few months to keep your muscles from getting too used to the workouts.
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  • #4
In my opinion, the best exercises for building shoulders are the Barbell Overhead Press, Cable Lateral Raise, Machine Press, and Weighted Wide Grip Pull-Ups. These gave me great results, but genetics might also play a role. Normally, this routine should be enough, but it’s important to switch things up after a few months to keep your muscles from getting too used to the workouts.
Got it
All I do for my shoulders is barbell overhead press, dumbbell lateral raises, and occasionally cable lateral raises.
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  • #7
All I do for my shoulders is barbell overhead press, dumbbell lateral raises, and occasionally cable lateral raises.
I'll start adding cable lateral raises into my routine
if you have roids then your shoulders will grow with little effort, because they have many androgen receptors in there
unfortunately not all of us have roids 😞

also is 15 the sets or the reps
cuz 15 sets is crazy
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  • #11
if you have roids then your shoulders will grow with little effort, because they have many androgen receptors in there
unfortunately not all of us have roids 😞

also is 15 the sets or the reps
cuz 15 sets is crazy
Yeah 15 for the reps not even chad can do 15 sets
1/ If you can do it, try snatch grip upright rows (don't go any higher than lower chest)

2/ Spam lateral raises 3x per week, 4 sets of any reps close to faillure, light to moderate weight. Use differents variations

3/ Try kettlebell seesaw press, better than regular barbell or dumbell OHP

4/ Pike push ups on parallettes are brutal for shoulders

5/ Train your rear delts with a tool called "chest expander". This exercise at high intensity
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  • #14
1/ If you can do it, try snatch grip upright rows (don't go any higher than lower chest)

2/ Spam lateral raises 3x per week, 4 sets of any reps close to faillure, light to moderate weight. Use differents variations

3/ Try kettlebell seesaw press, better than regular barbell or dumbell OHP

4/ Pike push ups on parallettes are brutal for shoulders

5/ Train your rear delts with a tool called "chest expander". This exercise at high intensity
I added a chest expander to my cart I'll also add pike push ups with 15lb weights
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  • #15
1/ If you can do it, try snatch grip upright rows (don't go any higher than lower chest)

2/ Spam lateral raises 3x per week, 4 sets of any reps close to faillure, light to moderate weight. Use differents variations

3/ Try kettlebell seesaw press, better than regular barbell or dumbell OHP

4/ Pike push ups on parallettes are brutal for shoulders

5/ Train your rear delts with a tool called "chest expander". This exercise at high intensity
All the body's muscles are targeted on heavy compounds, only the side delts and rear delts are poorly stimulated unless you can do upright rows.
