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Discussion Will someone give me a free .org acc?

Just make another one jfl
f**k .org i attempt joining once and get fully restricted
People here are more sane and understanding and better humans than .org
as long u can access their botb and good threads without making an acc its not really necessary

There barely any activity except offtopic ova theya
People here are more sane and understanding and better humans than .org
as long u can access their botb and good threads without making an acc its not really necessary

There barely any activity except offtopic ova theya
At least they don’t let women on .org fucking retards letting fucking toilets on a Incel Looksmaxxing forum jfl:wesmart:
i’m too scared to even try get an account
People here are more sane and understanding and better humans than .org
as long u can access their botb and good threads without making an acc its not really necessary

There barely any activity except offtopic ova theya
Org is an absolute shit hole, most people there are nihilistic and don’t have a real world view as they sit on their asses jerking off to hentai and calling little kids LTN instead of going outside. Yes, it’s a lot more active than this forum, but it’s still shit and full of dumb people.
If u don't like fems go on the f****t forum
Rather be a f****t than a white knight for whores that have billions of sperm dna inside their mouths that settle for beta buzzers and fucking cheat on him when he goes out cause she doesn’t respect him
Its okay to like fems but if u dont like em its just up to personal preference . ive seen "smashable" fems but wouldnt smash just because it was a dude and has a member🤷🏼‍♂️😭
Females not femboys
why do u even want to go on .org? they dont have botb privated like this site. they should private it tbh but oh well

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