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Wisdom teeth extraction depends purely on mandible LENGTH


Apr 21, 2020
AKA FORWARD GROWTH of the mandible

not palate width. if you have a genetically superior, well developed porjecting mandible, you will not need to extract wisdom teeth and lose EVEN MORE bone mass.

discuss ways to keep wisdom toth. maybe genioplasty?
wisdom teeth come during 17-23 years of age, won't that increase mandible length?? (i don't know much about it)
AKA FORWARD GROWTH of the mandible

not palate width. if you have a genetically superior, well developed porjecting mandible, you will not need to extract wisdom teeth and lose EVEN MORE bone mass.

discuss ways to keep wisdom toth. maybe genioplasty?
palate width helps because it reduces crowding and gives ur wisdom teeth room to grow
I had a bunch of my top teeth taken out a few days ago and the side of effects of dental surgery are a fucking bitch. X(
This is actually interesting now that I think about it. Perhaps one of the reasons why wisdom teeth have become a problem for men is because men growing up today are malnourished and not getting enough meats in their diet, which prevent them from developing a more defined jaw, compacting their wisdom teeth..
This is actually interesting now that I think about it. Perhaps one of the reasons why wisdom teeth have become a problem for men is because men growing up today are malnourished and not getting enough meats in their diet, which prevent them from developing a more defined jaw, compacting their wisdom teeth..
Lol not getting enough meats in the diet has little to do with developing a defined jaw and even less to do with wisdom teeth removal.
Lol not getting enough meats in the diet has little to do with developing a defined jaw and even less to do with wisdom teeth removal.
I think it does, because of a few factors:
  1. Meat has to be chewed to be consumed.
  2. My friend regrew his tooth enamul eating raw meats. This is not supposed to be possible.
  3. Inuit never got cavities.
  4. Raw meat is far more nutritious and is our natural diet. Deviations from that diet cause deformities.
You are probably asking how that specifically has to do with the jaw line and wisdom teeth, but I would put forward the theory that a recessed jaw and crowded tooth pallete is more of a deformity than it is a genetic trait, and that with regular chewing of food that is good for the teeth and of course your masculinity writ large, that this would cause one's pallete to expand properly without any tooth crowding whatsoever.

If you are wondering where I got the idea of deformities from, check out this experiment done on cats:

There is a lot in there, but things like dental abnormalities were an observed side effect due to diet.
The sweetened condensed milk group not only had their milk heat-processed, but there was the addition of sugar. There was marked deterioration in coordination and dental abnormalities. They developed much heavier fat deposits and exhibited severe skeletal deformities and were prone to bone fractures. They were nervous animals showing extreme irritability and often paced back and forth in their pens.

Dental deterioration, abscesses and The gums. gingiva inflammation were a frequent finding. All of these changes were similar to the cats of the first, second and third generations eating cooked meat.
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AKA FORWARD GROWTH of the mandible

not palate width. if you have a genetically superior, well developed porjecting mandible, you will not need to extract wisdom teeth and lose EVEN MORE bone mass.

discuss ways to keep wisdom toth. maybe genioplasty?
How would genio help?
I think it does, because of a few factors:
  1. Meat has to be chewed to be consumed.
  2. My friend regrew his tooth enamul eating raw meats. This is not supposed to be possible.
  3. Inuit never got cavities.
  4. Raw meat is far more nutritious and is our natural diet. Deviations from that diet cause deformities.
You are probably asking how that specifically has to do with the jaw line and wisdom teeth, but I would put forward the theory that a recessed jaw and crowded tooth pallete is more of a deformity than it is a genetic trait, and that with regular chewing of food that is good for the teeth and of course your masculinity writ large, that this would cause one's pallete to expand properly without any tooth crowding whatsoever.

If you are wondering where I got the idea of deformities from, check out this experiment done on cats:

There is a lot in there, but things like dental abnormalities were an observed side effect due to diet.
omg like i cant believe you are spreading your raw meat bias everywhere
Inuit never got cavities.
Now there have been studies of inuits and Aleuts in Alaska and their diet was over 90% meat with the exception of berries for the most part. There bones and diets have been studied and no matter how far you go back in time they have high rates of arthiritis, heart disease and their average life spans were around 50 years of age.
Raw meat is far more nutritious and is our natural diet. Deviations from that diet cause deformities.
Animal flesh and milk can give the body nutrients and calories but lacks vital energy. Unless you want to kill yourself faster and die at a young age this isn't a good idea. Consumption of animal products by herbivores causes heart disease of some degree and only causes heart disease in herbavores. Humans are no exception to the rule. From every aspect of our digestive system we're biologically most similar to frugivores from how we walk to how far our mouth opens to our teeth, how we chew food, having big salvary glands, alkaline urine, requiring fiber to promote peristalisis, weak hydrochloric acid, the length of our intestines, etc etc etc.. The list goes on and on as everything is quite the opposite of how an omnivore or carnivore is designed. If you wish to speed up the aging process, cause disease and have an early grave then I would suggest eating all meat.
omg like i cant believe you are spreading your raw meat bias everywhere

Now there have been studies of inuits and Aleuts in Alaska and their diet was over 90% meat with the exception of berries for the most part. There bones and diets have been studied and no matter how far you go back in time they have high rates of arthiritis, heart disease and their average life spans were around 50 years of age.

Animal flesh and milk can give the body nutrients and calories but lacks vital energy. Unless you want to kill yourself faster and die at a young age this isn't a good idea. Consumption of animal products by herbivores causes heart disease of some degree and only causes heart disease in herbavores. Humans are no exception to the rule. From every aspect of our digestive system we're biologically most similar to frugivores from how we walk to how far our mouth opens to our teeth, how we chew food, having big salvary glands, alkaline urine, requiring fiber to promote peristalisis, weak hydrochloric acid, the length of our intestines, etc etc etc.. The list goes on and on as everything is quite the opposite of how an omnivore or carnivore is designed. If you wish to speed up the aging process, cause disease and have an early grave then I would suggest eating all meat.
omg like i cant believe you are spreading your raw meat bias everywhere
Everyone has a bias. I am biased to what has personally worked for me, namely two years of raw meat. You are biased towards veganism, which didn't work for you, so you started taking steroids as well.
In regards to your studies, most are not trustable at this point given how politicized veganism has become. It also less reliable than anecdotal evidence. The people who I've met who are vegans, are not examples of healthy people, both physically and especially mentally.
I think it does, because of a few factors:
  1. Meat has to be chewed to be consumed.
What you are really trying to get at in terms of periodontal development is masticatory force and chewing.
not getting enough meats in their diet, which prevent them from developing a more defined jaw, compacting their wisdom teeth..
It's not the lack of meats per se but more so the lack of chewing hard foods/items for extended periods of time.
Yes meats do require quite a bit of masticatory force (70-150N) but so do foods like raw carrots, whole broccoli, rye bread, falim & mastic gum, etc etc.
By saying "not getting enough meats in their diet, which prevent them from developing a more defined jaw, compacting their wisdom teeth" makes it seem like the lack of meat is the sole reason for periodontal issues which is not completely true. That's why I responded to your comment in the first place.

BTW eating high sugar foods, drikning coffee, soda, and alcohol can also lead to periodontal diseases. Thumbsucking, mouthbreathing, prenatal hormones, and genetics also have an effect on the teeth and mandible not just a lack of hard foods and chewing.

You are probably asking how that specifically has to do with the jaw line and wisdom teeth, but I would put forward the theory that a recessed jaw and crowded tooth pallete is more of a deformity than it is a genetic trait, and that with regular chewing of food that is good for the teeth and of course your masculinity writ large, that this would cause one's pallete to expand properly without any tooth crowding whatsoever.
Regular chewing of hard foods is needed however this is not the only factor in how your mandible is shaped and grown. Also the "jawline" or outward appearance of the mandible and teeth crowding/spacing is more a case of correlation not causation.

I have always been complimented by the dentists on how my teeth are in great condition and how I don't require any wisdom tooth removal but if you look at my jaw from the outside it looks average at best. My midmandible is quite narrow, my chin needs more projection, and my ramus is short.
On the other hand someone like Tom Holland despite having a much better looking "jawline" and lower third compared to both me and the average male needed wisdom teeth removal.
It's not the lack of meats per se but more so the lack of chewing hard foods/items for extended periods of time.
Yes meats do require quite a bit of masticatory force (70-150N) but so do foods like raw carrots, whole broccoli, rye bread, falim & mastic
omg yes! you are like so much more comprehensive in analysis but that @Kill Animals f****t always finds a way to make anything and everything about raw meats and only raw meats
omg yes! you are like so much more comprehensive in analysis but that @Kill Animals f****t always finds a way to make anything and everything about raw meats and only raw meats
I'm not here to take sides tbh, I'm just trying to remain objective in analysis. You both are 2 extremes with you being only vegan/plant based and him being only raw meat.
but so do foods like raw carrots, whole broccoli, rye bread, falim & mastic gum, etc etc.
No one, has ever eaten raw carrots in their untouched natural form due to their toxicity.
Whole broccoli? Absolutely disgusting and repelling taste, again not available in nature in the state it is currently in.
Rye bread, peasant food, which translates into an overall deficit lifestyle.
Gum is not food, our primal ancestors did not chew gum to achieve their robust appearance.

We do require a highly meat based diet to develop a proper jaw, as the "alternatives" you suggested bring about a whole array of issues.
BTW eating high sugar foods, drikning coffee, soda, and alcohol can also lead to periodontal diseases. Thumbsucking, mouthbreathing, prenatal hormones, and genetics also have an effect on the teeth and mandible not just a lack of hard foods and chewing.
Thankfully all those things are a non-issue in a natural setting as they either aren't accessible/wouldn't occur due to natural humans following a hyper carnivore regime.

Regular chewing of hard foods is needed however this is not the only factor in how your mandible is shaped and grown.
No one said it is, the other factors only follow if your diet is in check though, that being 95% meat at least.
No one, has ever eaten raw carrots in their untouched natural form due to their toxicity.
Whole broccoli? Absolutely disgusting and repelling taste, again not available in nature in the state it is currently in.
Rye bread, peasant food, which translates into an overall deficit lifestyle.
Gum is not food, our primal ancestors did not chew gum to achieve their robust appearance.

We do require a highly meat based diet to develop a proper jaw, as the "alternatives" you suggested bring about a whole array of issues.

Thankfully all those things are a non-issue in a natural setting as they either aren't accessible/wouldn't occur due to natural humans following a hyper carnivore regime.

No one said it is, the other factors only follow if your diet is in check though, that being 95% meat at least.
First of all I wasn't trying to suggest any "alternatives" to meat I'm not anti-meat like @softlysoftly. I was just saying that there are other foods that require just as much chewing and masticatory force in addition to meat. Chewing and masticatory force is my point not meat based vs plant based. I was just giving examples of food that require hard biting force and chewing for longer periods of time.

So by exclusively mentioning "not getting enough meats in their diet, which prevent them from developing a more defined jaw, compacting their wisdom teeth.." is skewed and misleading because meat is not the only type of food that requires sufficient masticatory force and chewing.

No one, has ever eaten raw carrots in their untouched natural form due to their toxicity.
We do require a highly meat based diet to develop a proper jaw, as the "alternatives" you suggested bring about a whole array of issues.
What issues?
Idk why I said "raw" I meant store bought carrots which can be washed and the outer layer skinned before eating, blending etc.
Also when you mention "toxicity" do you mean plants are toxic because they release defense chemicals (phytoalexins) and therefore should not be consumed by humans?
because meat is not the only type of food that requires sufficient masticatory force and chewing.
But meat is the only type of food which will not bring along with it a degradation of your body's health.
Also when you mention "toxicity" do you mean plants are toxic and release defense chemicals (phytoalexins) and therefore should not be consumed by humans?
What issues?
Indigestion, damage to the gut lining, toxins preventing absorption of other nutrients, the issue of them being deficient in a variety of nutrients therefore being pointless to consume, pesticides/herbicides affecting you (Not a risk associated with plants in and of themselves, but all plants are sprayed with such filth now).
Meat = calorie dense, chew quickly, not even that much chewing needed, you can just swallow it whole anyway

Plants = lower in calories, need a lot of it, you need to chew on it before swallowing, generally harder to chew

The way pre historic humans hunted = walking around eating every edible plant along the way and bringing any animal + more calorie dense plant foods back to tribe
Meat = calorie dense, chew quickly, not even that much chewing needed, you can just swallow it whole anyway
Speaking about raw;
It is true that you can swallow meat nearly whole, but you do need to chew depending on the piece of meat you are eating.
Loin is more chewy than bubblegum, and I could chew on it for an hour and really get a jaw work out.
No one, has ever eaten raw carrots in their untouched natural form due to their toxicity.
What? Are you trolling? You can literally just grow carrots outside and eat them.

Whole broccoli? Absolutely disgusting and repelling taste, again not available in nature in the state it is currently in.
Your preference is not universal.

Rye bread, peasant food, which translates into an overall deficit lifestyle.
Rye bread is one of the healthier breads with lower carbs than regular bread.

A study shown that eating carrots (Carotenoids) cause the better skin appearance and better appearance than Sunlight UV or tanning.
AKA FORWARD GROWTH of the mandible

not palate width. if you have a genetically superior, well developed porjecting mandible, you will not need to extract wisdom teeth and lose EVEN MORE bone mass.

discuss ways to keep wisdom toth. maybe genioplasty?
Imagine believing in that quackery. They told me I "needed" my wisdom teeth removed after a dentist visit. I just declined it... why would there be evolution just for teeth to be removed mechanically? Its obviously just a scam to profit off patients and create meme jobs.

Had no pain in my mouth after I declined the operation. Was pain-free for years after. Recently I do have some pain in my mouth, but I realized it was caused by gum problems and has nothing to do with my wisdom teeth whatsoever.