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would a 6 week nolvadex pct close my growth plates?

thinking of running a test and sarms cycle in a couple months and don’t want to prematurely close my growth plates.
how does novaldex close growth plate r****d
if something should close ur plates
it should be the excess testosterone that will get converted in estrogen

i suggest you don't do roids cause u r an idiot and have near 0 knowledge about this also u r an idiot
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  • #3
how does novaldex close growth plate r****d
if something should close ur plates
it should be the excess testosterone that will get converted in estrogen

i suggest you don't do roids cause u r an idiot and have near 0 knowledge about this also u r an idiot
nolvadex acts as estrogen in bone so it closes plates earlier.
taking aromasin so the test wont be aromatised into estro either
ignore the others "users" (not sure if you can even call him that atp)

the answer is: nobody really knows definitively
they will have an estrogenic impact on bones, but that doesnt really affect growth plates
but imo taking a cycle while still in puberty makes 0 sense
nolvadex acts as estrogen in bone so it closes plates earlier.
taking aromasin so the test wont be aromatised into estro either
stupid n****r
tamoxifen is serm it isn't estrogen
ignore the others "users" (not sure if you can even call him that atp)
if u are talking about me fuck u
ignore the others "users" (not sure if you can even call him that atp)

the answer is: nobody really knows definitively
they will have an estrogenic impact on bones, but that doesnt really affect growth plates
but imo taking a cycle while still in puberty makes 0 sense
taking cycle in puberty makes a lot of sense u would gain bones and deeper voice and bigger dick
easily compared to after puberty
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  • #10
serms are breast cancer medications and they are anti estrogen
they bind to estrogen receptors so estrogen cant bind to them and cause estrogenic stuff

“SERMs are medical multitaskers. They block estrogen from connecting with breast cancer cells, keeping the cells from multiplying. At the same time, SERMs act like estrogen, boosting estrogen levels in your bones and preventing osteoporosis.”

“SERMs are medical multitaskers. They block estrogen from connecting with breast cancer cells, keeping the cells from multiplying. At the same time, SERMs act like estrogen, boosting estrogen levels in your bones and preventing osteoporosis.”
that’s true, but there have been many studies using Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) as a way to prevent growth plates from closing. The current research suggests that tamoxifen blocks estrogen receptors in the growth plates.

In fact, during the study none of the subjects’ growth plates were closed by the tamoxifen, they all either grew for a longer period of time than expected or they just continued to grow normally. None of them stopped growing while on tamoxifen.
i have poor knowledge regarding roids, serms/sarms and other supplements

just be healthy, those stuff have risks
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  • #17
Do it if you really need the dimorphism, otherwise don't bother.
ehh i dont really need the dimorphism too much but a bigger frame and more muscle would be nice + test is beneficial for height
ehh i dont really need the dimorphism too much but a bigger frame and more muscle would be nice + test is beneficial for height
It is? makes some sense but all doesn't at the same time
why doesn’t it make sense?
Often regions with higher natural test on average arent that tall, but also I realize that's most likely due to their food not the test levels.

Sounds good, I wouldn't combine gymcelling with it though personally
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  • #21
Often regions with higher natural test on average arent that tall, but also I realize that's most likely due to their food not the test levels.

Sounds good, I wouldn't combine gymcelling with it though personally
ohh thought you were talking about the gymcelling but yeah im pretty sure test increases igf sensitivity in bones

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