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Would fat grafts combined with all softmaxx methods ascend my subhuman eye area?

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  • #7
Need side profile to see if browr bone is good or not
Here's pics of my browridge. I also have big nose failo. With smaller nose it would be more prominent.


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  • #8
Thats sad because he is a good philosopher and using him just by his looks in to diminish who he where.
I know he's genius but no one can deny that he also looks cool. I've watched popular science videos about his philosophy in the past, but he has a very cool mustache. He wouldn't be sad if he knew that modern people find him attractive.
I know he's genius but no one can deny that he also looks cool. I've watched popular science videos about his philosophy in the past, but he has a very cool mustache. He wouldn't be sad if he knew that modern people find him attractive.
Whatch philosophers videos wont make you as smart as if you read the book, but yeah, you know what you do
Here's pics of my browridge. I also have big nose failo. With smaller nose it would be more prominent.
Fuck, no, i think you have enough of it, too much and it may look neandertal.
Your nose connects to it, and that decreases the idea of deepness in foward growth. Nero made a video on this area between brow and nose
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