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Would losing fat and becoming lean at 20 years old help me grow 2-5 inches taller?


Just a guy desperately trying to save his 20's,
Aug 12, 2024
20 years old and 5'9 at 180lbs

I've been obese all my life, however lost a significant amount of weight in the past three years (losing 70lbs, however am still relatively fat but with more pronounced abdominal and muscle definition)

also suffer from severe lower back pain when running or doing physical activity.

I have pains in my pelvis, as well as throughout the rest of of back/upper body

I like to think that if I relieved all that pressure and pain on my body, I could gain a few inches.

I'm also of Southern African descent (full-blooded) and my sports doctor told me that growth plates in males of that descent can and may close around early 20''s

I also like to think that since becoming lean would be such a fundamental, major health change to my body, my body would react in a way that could potentially boost height growth.

I dream of being 6'1 (literally would not want to be any taller than that in any capacity) but would like to be 5'10.5 at the very least.

I appreciate any opinions regarding this, thank you.
Growth plates are most likely closed by now, further growth is highly unlikely regardless of weight loss
As well, your past most of your major growth spurts due to puberty, so products are probably your only hope at the moment
Maybe a little bit because of less strain on your posture from the weight
If you back is really bad - then yea, maybe you can get a couple inches. Don’t think 5 tho
try to lose weight
fix posture because being obese can compress your bones and make you appear shorter
aromasin + hgh and banded sleeping
be healthy
you can probably grow some

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