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Would we be better off in a Hunter-Gatherer society?

Human race invented farming just because hunting gathering gave not enough food and not enough comfort like we have right now

This setup can't be done, not enough fruits & wild animals

Will happens soon enough, when human race will declining with the lack of comfort in 100 years (no more fossil energies, not enough food production, crazy laws etc) history repeat itself and we are like the roman empire rn
Or was it just a specific society
has existed for a while btw
Saharan rock art from the Pastoral Period at Tassili n'Ajjer in the central Sahara, showing numerous pastoral scenes with cattle and herders
this is a good theory
A different theory suggests that pastoralism evolved from the hunting and gathering. Hunters of wild goats and sheep were knowledgeable about herd mobility and the needs of the animals. Such hunters were mobile and followed the herds on their seasonal rounds. Undomesticated herds were chosen to become more controllable for the proto-pastoralist nomadic hunter and gatherer groups by taming and domesticating them. Hunter-gatherers' strategies in the past have been very diverse and contingent upon the local environmental conditions, like those of mixed farmers. Foraging strategies have included hunting or trapping big game and smaller animals, fishing, collecting shellfish or insects, and gathering wild-plant foods such as fruits, seeds, and nuts.[10] These diverse strategies for survival amongst the migratory herds could also provide an evolutionary route towards nomadic pastoralism.[
doesnt really matter
mongols mogged
but there are pastoral societies throughout

a more modernized and smaller extension of it would be ranches today
I think so as long as they wouldn’t eat vegetables and grains
I think so as long as they wouldn’t eat vegetables and grains
the most common foods they eat is blood, milk, and meat according to google
sometimes they eat other stuff like honey, fruits, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, didnt see much about veggies
the most common foods they eat is blood, milk, and meat according to google
sometimes they eat other stuff like honey, fruits, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, didnt see much about veggies
Cut the seeds and nuts it’s good
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