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Serious wtf do i do in the gym

both, the only thing ive done so far is pushups and chin ups 😂
Understandable, idk what machines and shit you got so you pick the excercises ill just recommend the days

Monday- Chest and Tris
Tuesday- Back and Bi's
Wednesday- Shoulders and Abs
Thursday- Legs
Friday Either Back and Bi's or Shoulders again you pick depending on what you want for your physique

Train to faliure for most of the sets near the end of your workout, I wouldn't recommend doing it near the start since you will run into some recovery issues

I'd also recommend staying in the 10-15 rep range for optimal muscle growth however for the heavy compound lifts stay in the 6 and under rep range

Purchese an anatomy book as well it works wonders
some mild cardio for 10 mins before workout to get blood flow
then i go and do pullups. then i do arms and chit
you should prob have a better routine than me, do upper on one day lower on another
I don't see any way where whitepill will hold these views more than 6 months. He's gonna look back when he's older and wonder why in the world he thought this way
This may cause a retaliation and stubbornness to change
i cant say for certain that 6 months from now he will suddenly like gym
but people should be given freedom to explore and debate, and think about opinions and share knowledge, biased or not
he should not be pressured to conform
and if he does cave to the pressure, well, its not his true feelings which is not good. and then he will often feel pressure to conform again
if somebody told me 3 years ago that i am going to be against that year's ideology i would probably be insistent not change for even longer
why anti gym? i wont even bulk, i just want to get lean. im skinnyfat so i need muscles and pushups is dogshit for it unless i start doing weighted pushups but its not comfortable and idk how much the stuff i put inside of it weighs altogether
Do it if you want
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