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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
Yk the foid i was talking abt a couple of days ago that I said I would ghost? Shes fkn crazy (keep in mind we talked for 1 day 1 fucking day) shes been goin around at school and stalking me (fyi stalked/stalking me on my socials) and is posting weird shit on her storys:
Shes also been posting my favorite songs with weird shit to hint at me since I started ghosting her

Nga i dont want you stop w this crazy shit. This is why im fkn asexual foids r fkn crazy, leave me tf alone
haha been there man
this girl went to the same uni as me cuz she liked me
and added all my friends to her private story babbling abt how much she likes me
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  • #5
haha been there man
this girl went to the same uni as me cuz she liked me
and added all my friends to her private story babbling abt how much she likes me
Ye and bro I wslked past her and her friends and they said "its getting hot in here" nga wtf stop. Its fkn terrible and I just cringe so hard.

And shes spamming me on insta even though I dont answare like have some fkn self respect
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  • #6
Yk the foid i was talking abt a couple of days ago that I said I would ghost? Shes fkn crazy (keep in mind we talked for 1 day 1 fucking day) shes been goin around at school and stalking me (fyi stalked/stalking me on my socials) and is posting weird shit on her storys:
View attachment 39915
Shes also been posting my favorite songs with weird shit to hint at me since I started ghosting her

Nga i dont want you stop w this crazy shit. This is why im fkn asexual foids r fkn crazy, leave me tf alone
For everyones knowledge that is NOT her in the pic💀 its just a video she posted from a instagram reel on her story
Swedish Chad ramblings not a single molecule
Yk the foid i was talking abt a couple of days ago that I said I would ghost? Shes fkn crazy (keep in mind we talked for 1 day 1 fucking day) shes been goin around at school and stalking me (fyi stalked/stalking me on my socials) and is posting weird shit on her storys:
View attachment 39915
Shes also been posting my favorite songs with weird shit to hint at me since I started ghosting her

Nga i dont want you stop w this crazy shit. This is why im fkn asexual foids r fkn crazy, leave me tf alone
Nah, she just gotta a lil crush and she’ll be obsessed with you for a little time, then she’ll stop dw (it’s a girl thing)
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