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Serious You don't exercise for health.


I shall ascend.
Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
No one does cardio for health.

No one does gym for health either.

Out of these two the only one that can make you look better is cardio which makes you lean. Gym can make you look better, only with neck though imo. Although if you have a bad diet the muscle toning from gym might make you look better?

Regardless both of these are done for looks/body dysmorphia rather than your actual health.
8/10 Ollie randals gym maxxed and slays more than chico
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  • #8
Im not trolling gymcelling in a moderate amount is an smv booster especially if under mtn
Read the thread and come back. SMV boost =/ looks boost and it doesnt provide an smv boost.
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  • #12
I read you said only cardio boost looks
I said it potentially could if you eat a slave diet. I also said the thick neck could be trained but you would probably have that naturally
Do you really or just enjoy the dopamine? Or potentially you exercise/play games as social interaction? Those are the only two possible reasons.
I like when I leave and my muscles hurt especially legs. I don't know how to explain it but the pain I feel is a nice pain, unlike when you hit something or cut yourself that are ugly pains.
I used to like when my heart beats hard but lately I get a little scared.
I don't socialize but i used to go with a friend, now I only greet the trainers but I'm not from the "gang" of the gym I'm just polite and greet them.
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  • #18
I like when I leave and my muscles hurt especially legs. I don't know how to explain it but the pain I feel is a nice pain, unlike when you hit something or cut yourself that are ugly pains.
so you hate yourself and want to make yourself feel pain?
I used to like when my heart beats hard but lately I get a little scared.
yea it isnt good for you
I don't socialize but i used to go with a friend, now I only greet the trainers but I'm not from the "gang" of the gym I'm just polite and greet them.
ok so u just enjoy the endorphins
high intensity exercise is more likely to give you cardiovascular disease/arterial calcification than literally doing nothing at all, but light low effort peaceful walking seems to be better.
jogging, lifting, HIIT, etc are all terrible
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  • #28
high intensity exercise is more likely to give you cardiovascular disease/arterial calcification than literally doing nothing at all, but light low effort peaceful walking seems to be better.
jogging, lifting, HIIT, etc are all terrible
Agreed, I think stress free walking is fine.
so you hate yourself and want to make yourself feel pain?

yea it isnt good for you

ok so u just enjoy the endorphins
Wait I don't hate myself I think. I told a friend about this and he called me masochist, but I don't like getting punched and I never got choked but I did swimming and I didn't liked being without air underwater. The little pain of the muscle after training or after the last rep is different from the external pain of a cut or a punch, i don't know how to explain it. Maybe it's the chemicals, I did basket, swimming, and karate before gym and gym is the most fun I did
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  • #39
Didnt know that.
I have only eaten cooked liver and beef.
I thought it must be super hard to chewy all that.
Do you ever eat fruits or vegies or only raw meat .
He probably doesn't eat any vegetables, I don't either. Minimal fruits I would guess.
Didnt know that.
I have only eaten cooked liver and beef.
I thought it must be super hard to chewy all that.
Do you ever eat fruits or vegies or only raw meat .
I eat raw meat, raw eggs(from my own chickens), raw fish, and occasionally raw dairy. Nothing else. I do not need fiber. I actually have cured my constipation by quitting vegetables and fruits, but dairy can constipate me so I’ve started drinking it less and may just drop it. Meat eggs and fish always keep me functioning well though
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  • #41
I eat raw meat, raw eggs(from my own chickens), raw fish, and occasionally raw dairy. Nothing else. I do not need fiber. I actually have cured my constipation by quitting vegetables and fruits, but dairy can constipate me so I’ve started drinking it less and may just drop it. Meat eggs and fish always keep me functioning well though
What country?
I eat raw meat, raw eggs(from my own chickens), raw fish, and occasionally raw dairy. Nothing else. I do not need fiber. I actually have cured my constipation by quitting vegetables and fruits, but dairy can constipate me so I’ve started drinking it less and may just drop it. Meat eggs and fish always keep me functioning well though
No one does cardio for health.

No one does gym for health either.

Out of these two the only one that can make you look better is cardio which makes you lean. Gym can make you look better, only with neck though imo. Although if you have a bad diet the muscle toning from gym might make you look better?

Regardless both of these are done for looks/body dysmorphia rather than your actual health.
idk if this applies to married men in their 50's fighting limb failure and muscle spasms with a slow metabolism but ok
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  • #48
idk if this applies to married men in their 50's fighting limb failure and muscle spasms with a slow metabolism but ok
Explain how it improves health.
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  • #49
Married men in their 50's deteriorating are a lost cause. they could try eating naturally but they are mostly screwed.
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  • #50
and we're growing up on a fast food diet. They had it better
Most people don't eat a ton of fast food. The quality of the slave food even has gone down.

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