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Serious You're a man, nobody cares


Eat Raw Meat and Organs, you slave
Feb 24, 2024
Don't cry infront of others, don't annoy people with your problems, because literally NOBODY cares, you think your girlfriend cares that you lost your job or something, she fucking doesent, you think even your brother or sister cares, but im sorry brother, they dont, nobody fucking cares, not your family not your friends, and fuck off talking to people online or a therapist, last time: nobody, cares.
Don't cry infront of others, don't annoy people with your problems, because literally NOBODY cares, you think your girlfriend cares that you lost your job or something, she fucking doesent, you think even your brother or sister cares, but im sorry brother, they dont, nobody fucking cares, not your family not your friends, and fuck off talking to people online or a therapist, last time: nobody, cares.
Shut up
Also yes I do care about my brothers
only meat and organs, eggs, butter, ocassionally some kefir or something, no fruits no nothing else
If it’s raw you should be fine, cooked carnivore/keto is bullshit
youre a liar, and a mean one, you dont actually care, youre not biochemically able to, everyone around you is damaged by food, you are incapable of feeling empathy
I am alright, I can feel empathy for people I know and care about .
I am not mean.
I am not damaged by food, I can function alright.
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  • #16
I am alright, I can feel empathy for people I know and care about .
I am not mean.
I am not damaged by food, I can function alright.
how would you know if youre eating goyslop, you are living in a fairy world if you havent tried eating naturally
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  • #18
Anecdotal evidence ≠ being true for everyone buddy. Your personal experience doesn't dictate truth
yes it does, nobody cares about anyone, literally not just anectodal evidence but look around you, you can kidnap a girl here in germany mid daylight, nobody is having the courage to do shit..
yes it does, nobody cares about anyone, literally not just anectodal evidence but look around you, you can kidnap a girl here in germany mid daylight, nobody is having the courage to do shit..
That's Germany where yall used to have a field day with murdering jews. That's why I live in the greatest country to ever exist. USA.
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  • #23
My oneitis is concerned about my smoking and I didn't make her say that
trust me she isnt, she is not going home thinking about you, they are just gonna say stuff like "ohh you should stop probably no?" cuz its culturally appropriate to say it like good morning and good evening
yes it does, nobody cares about anyone, literally not just anectodal evidence but look around you, you can kidnap a girl here in germany mid daylight, nobody is having the courage to do shit..
That’s so cucked jfl
trust me she isnt, she is not going home thinking about you, they are just gonna say stuff like "ohh you should stop probably no?" cuz its culturally appropriate to say it like good morning and good evening
She smokes too bro. She was like you're going smoking AGAIN?? You never used to smoke...
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  • #35
Who mentioned politics? I'm just saying that we have protected civil liberties through the constitution
and i dont even know and care to look up what that means
Don't cry infront of others, don't annoy people with your problems, because literally NOBODY cares, you think your girlfriend cares that you lost your job or something, she fucking doesent, you think even your brother or sister cares, but im sorry brother, they dont, nobody fucking cares, not your family not your friends, and fuck off talking to people online or a therapist, last time: nobody, cares.
I would never want a daughter of mine to marry a man who's ever gone to see a "therapist".
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  • #41
how do my parents even, they vaccinated me when i was a baby
Don't cry infront of others, don't annoy people with your problems, because literally NOBODY cares, you think your girlfriend cares that you lost your job or something, she fucking doesent, you think even your brother or sister cares, but im sorry brother, they dont, nobody fucking cares, not your family not your friends, and fuck off talking to people online or a therapist, last time: nobody, cares.
Turbo based

The only one who cares is yourself, and maybe your mother. maybe.
That doesn’t sound too healthy, not saying doing the opposite is good but u occasionally need some outlet to vent
Don't cry infront of others, don't annoy people with your problems, because literally NOBODY cares, you think your girlfriend cares that you lost your job or something, she fucking doesent, you think even your brother or sister cares, but im sorry brother, they dont, nobody fucking cares, not your family not your friends, and fuck off talking to people online or a therapist, last time: nobody, cares.
I ❤️ ashwaganda

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