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Discussion Did mewing work for you ?

at a minimum, not mouth breathing definitely helps with proper facial development
and doctors wont tell you that because that will crash the orthodontist industry
in a society that profit from your sickness , being healthy is the ultimate rebellion
What age did you start ?
ive been mewing since 2022 but it wasn't that serious
i started being serious last summer ( 17 )
the first pic is in April 2023
the second pic is in sep 2023
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ive been mewing since 2022 but it wasn't that serious
i started being serious last summer ( 17 )
the first pic is in April 2023
the second pic is in sep 2023
I started mewing last year, at 17 too. I have made a lot progress and i notice the differences, but sadly i dont have any pictures to prove it. I am not sure if the changes i have been through is due to mewing or loing face fat, nose breathing, gym and it keeps going. I also feel the roof of my mouth a little deeper, but also im not sure if it is placebo. My problem is that i lack of tracking progress and not have any proof that mewing actually worked for me.

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