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3 easy but helpful tips to use when applying perfume :)


Nov 8, 2023
Moisturize Before Applying: To make your perfume last longer, it is recommended to apply an unscented lotion or oil to your skin before spraying on the fragrance. Moisturized skin holds onto the scent of the perfume and prevents it from evaporating too quickly.


Layering scents for a unique fragrance: Consider layering different scents to create a distinct and personalized fragrance. You can mix a scented lotion or oil with your preferred perfume, or combine fragrances that complement one another. For instance, you could pair a floral-scented lotion with a woody or spicy perfume to create a more intricate and customized aroma. Not only does this extend the life of the fragrance, but it also produces a scent that is uniquely yours.


Hair Mist Application: Your hair can act as a natural diffuser for perfume, and applying fragrance to your hair can leave a subtle, lingering scent. Use a specialized hair mist or spray perfume into the air and walk through it to lightly mist your hair. Avoid spraying directly onto your hair, especially if the perfume contains alcohol, as it can dry.


Hope this helped you :D

: David

which perfume do you think is the most worth buying?
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which perfume do you think is the most worth buying?

I mean everyone has different tastes when it comes to perfumes. I recommend going to a perfume shop and trying to find something you like the smell of. It can be a 50$ or even 500$. There are tons of smells when it comes to perfumes. From a tomato Leaf to a cognac. I really like woody perfumes because they last long and have a far projection. If you want to buy a perfume with the smell of a let's say an Orange you can go to and put the smell you want to look for in a perfume and it will show you a list whit perfumes that include orange. 🍊(y)
please keep posting nice thread
Moisturize Before Applying: To make your perfume last longer, it is recommended to apply an unscented lotion or oil to your skin before spraying on the fragrance. Moisturized skin holds onto the scent of the perfume and prevents it from evaporating too quickly.


Layering scents for a unique fragrance: Consider layering different scents to create a distinct and personalized fragrance. You can mix a scented lotion or oil with your preferred perfume, or combine fragrances that complement one another. For instance, you could pair a floral-scented lotion with a woody or spicy perfume to create a more intricate and customized aroma. Not only does this extend the life of the fragrance, but it also produces a scent that is uniquely yours.


Hair Mist Application: Your hair can act as a natural diffuser for perfume, and applying fragrance to your hair can leave a subtle, lingering scent. Use a specialized hair mist or spray perfume into the air and walk through it to lightly mist your hair. Avoid spraying directly onto your hair, especially if the perfume contains alcohol, as it can dry.


Hope this helped you :D

: David

send me the gif
adriana moggs
