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Recent content by Bobbyx088

  1. B


    Hey guys, having struggles with lip acne and just my appearance in general. Any tips on how to fix? Confidence isn't great either
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    Lip acne

    I really need help, acne on my lips and mustache area is getting bad, looking hideous as a result: any tips? Also anything else please let me know
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    Lip acne

    I really need help, acne on my lips and mustache area is getting bad, looking hideous as a result: any tips? Also anything else please let me know
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    Sounds good thank you
  5. B


    Any videos/tutorials for how to fix? Really appreciate your input
  6. B


    Hey guys, just turned 15 and i'm looking to become better looking. Any tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated
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    Thank you, appreciate kt
  8. B


    Hey guys, so I was just wondering a few things What are the best ways to reduce rosy cheeks? What is the best way to get a more defined jawline without it being too extreme or mewing? Should I get a haircut? (View old posts) What's a good at-home, no equipment required daily workout routine...
  9. B

    How to gain confidence

    Hey guys, since middle school I've had little to no confidence. I was bullied really badly for about 3 years and felt like I was alone. I've heard all the "you're good looking" or "you do have friends" but inside I feel like I don't. I've watched all the videos that tell me what to do but they...
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    Ä°s it over for me(15y)

    Looks way better, the part doesn't match your face
  11. B

    How to Fix Issues

    Thank you, really appreciate it
  12. B

    How to Fix Issues

  13. B


    Haven't been drinking at all, usually just have a water and soda and then salt normally once a day and sleep 5-6ish hours a day so i know i can work on that as well as the diet I eat pretty healthy but could work on it
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    Appreciate it thank you
  15. B

    I need to f*****g lose fat pls help me

    Good luck man we believe in you