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Recent content by Gigachad

  1. G

    Height improvement ideas?

    I'm shorter than you and get called tall by women. Why do you refuse to admit you're just ugly? Does it make you feel better to say "oh im an incel because im 5'11" instead of just admitting you are an incel because you're ugly as f**k? There are literal tinder experiments showing that 5'10 and...
  2. G

    Building muscle (cut/bull?)

    20% body fat is fat as f**k. Of course you should cut. What do you even mean by "end in a skeleton"
  3. G


    There is no such thing as heightmaxxing it's a common cope by this community. The only way to "heightmax" is by blasting aromasin inhibitors and hgh at like 14 yrs old. Ur too old most likely. -Increased protein intake doesn't do anything for height unless you were previously deficient in...
  4. G

    Rate me honestly please

    U look younger, U look like a middle schooler. Start goign t the gym and becoming muscular by the time ur like 17 u will be htn-chadlite.
  5. G

    Rate me honestly please

    You look really young. Thin neck too. You look 14 years old max. And I'd suggest growing out your hair. All your facial features seem good except for your narrow cheekbones.
  6. G

    Rate me honestly plz.

    4 out of 10. The lips are a serious issue, not only is your lip shape bad but you seem to have some sort of alveolar recession, your entire lip area is caved inwards and you have a bad mustache. The eyebrows are also way too thick and you almost have a unibrow it seems like. Apart from that your...
  7. G

    Why did I got so many tinder matches with the first pic and way less with the second pic?

    Damn 1st pic looks good but the 2nd pic really showcases your flaws like the upturned nose tip and bad philtrum.