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Recent content by sexboi420

  1. S

    Bueno soy un chico de 14 años que quiere ser su mejor versión y rectificar los errores del pasado como el respirar por la boca ser sedentario etc etc

    Buenas tardes. No soy un experto en el tema, sin embargo, yo te recomendaría hacer lo siguiente: -Continuar con el mewing. -Si se te complica respirar por la nariz en la noche, puedes optar por ponerte cinta en los labios. -Masticar alimentos duros como: zanahorias, chicles de maquinita o el...
  2. S

    Any advice will be helpful.

    Thank you so much, bro. I'll definitely take your advice. 😁
  3. S

    Any advice will be helpful.

    Thank you, I will.
  4. S

    Any advice will be helpful.

    Hi, I just wanted to share my story. -18 y/o male. -Exactly 180 cm (5'11") tall barefoot, being taller than aprox 80% of the males in my country. -Deep af voice. I usually get compliments from friends, random middle-aged/old people (males and females) and women my age. Sometimes people make fun...
  5. S

    Is it over?

    Hi, I just wanted to share my story. -18 y/o male. -Exactly 180 cm (5'11") tall barefoot, being taller than aprox 80% of the males in my country. -Deep af voice. I usually get compliments from friends, random middle-aged/old people (males and females) and women my age. Sometimes people make fun...