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What can I improve?

Widen ur mouth
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shave facial hair, skincare, lip balm, debloat, lose weight (hit the gym), fix your poor under eye support with sleep, icing, and/or volufline. dunno if its the angles but you have uee, so surgery can help there (upper eyelid fillers). also your nose looks assymetrical, might wanna get that fixed
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  • #6
shave facial hair, skincare, lip balm, debloat, lose weight (hit the gym), fix your poor under eye support with sleep, icing, and/or volufline. dunno if its the angles but you have uee, so surgery can help there (upper eyelid fillers). also your nose looks assymetrical, might wanna get that fixed
I'm doing all that besides the nose, I'm fine with it tbh, saving up for under eye fillers in 2 months and the uee is just angle. I'm also saving up for a hair transplant and maxilla advancement surgery but that will only be in around 3 years.
Take showers everyday. I can give you some tips that helped me make my face cleaner, never touch your face for unnecessary reasons, and if you touch your face, do it with clean hands, because if you touch your face with unclean hands, dirt, oils, and allergens from your hands can transfer to your face.(not saying that I have a perfectly clean and nice face) Your hair is hella fine, but you can work on your jaw a bit more. Get a sharper jawline. When you take all these steps you'll be a PSL god in my opinion.
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  • #8
Take showers everyday. I can give you some tips that helped me make my face cleaner, never touch your face for unnecessary reasons, and if you touch your face, do it with clean hands, because if you touch your face with unclean hands, dirt, oils, and allergens from your hands can transfer to your face.(not saying that I have a perfectly clean and nice face) Your hair is hella fine, but you can work on your jaw a bit more. Get a sharper jawline. When you take all these steps you'll be a PSL god in my opinion.
Thanks mate
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  • #10
Debloat, widen mouth, fix jaw (chew, mew), fix under eye support, fix eyebrows hooding
Deblot, fixing jaw and under eye support I'm already in the process of doing, eyebrow hooding is just angle, and mouth isn't normally that wide I just sucked it in a little bit ig
Take showers everyday. I can give you some tips that helped me make my face cleaner, never touch your face for unnecessary reasons, and if you touch your face, do it with clean hands, because if you touch your face with unclean hands, dirt, oils, and allergens from your hands can transfer to your face.(not saying that I have a perfectly clean and nice face) Your hair is hella fine, but you can work on your jaw a bit more. Get a sharper jawline. When you take all these steps you'll be a PSL god in my opinion.

always felt bathing was sus, because bathing too long causes temporary wrinkles

always felt bathing was sus, because bathing too long causes temporary wrinkles
My skin is completely fine
