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Search results

  1. C

    13 and struggling with acne and hair looking ass. (Ginger hear)

    Washing hair with only water helps with texture, the hair sitting on your forhead likely causes the acne along with any haircare product you use. Just my experience
  2. C

    rate me and give me some advice i feel ugly,hated,depressed,everyone records me,i have anxiety, i dont know what to do anymore

    If u ever just want somone to casually chat to, here's my ig Christian_oliver_international
  3. C

    Whats up

    15, male. 6,6 tall and growing, ugh. Hope ur all well
  4. C

    Height improvement

    I went from 5,2 at 13 to 6,5 at 15. Anything is possible. And my parents are both under 6.
  5. C

    14M how could i start looksmaxxing based on my appearance

    shoot me for saying this but consider dropping the tiktok hairstyle, everyone has it and it's getting old. Not being rude and you are perfect bruh