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  1. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    No one is obsessed 💀 I'm allowed to comment back. If you think engaging in a conversation is obsessive then you must not go outside. You could of left the conversation at my last message
  2. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Again, what about my philtrum is masculine?? Also, last time I checked and heard, softer and more rounded features were considered feminine so... I'm not angry either, there's a difference in being angry and just stating my truth. That being said, I only take the opinions in those that exist...
  3. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Regardless if any of you find me attractive or not, I'm still happier than all of you combined. That's just the fact of the matter 😭
  4. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Yet you people still haven't named 1 masculine thing about me 💀 You all yap Especially you, Sigma. You told me that I had a nice body in another thread, yet tell me to lose weight here LMFAO. Pick one
  5. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Someone needs to go back to year 1 reading because you clearly don't have basic comprehension skills. I don't care what you online people have to say about me. All of you think if he don't look like Adriana Lima, we're automatically sub5 Shut up lmfao
  6. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Read what I said again, but slowly. Maybe you'll get it then.
  7. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    I'll stick to believing those that see me irl than a bunch of ppl online, lol.
  8. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Deflecting much? I believe I'm neither ugly nor do I look like a man, and this opinion of mine has been validated by others on multiple occasions in my real life experiences. That's the whole reason I joined a site like this, to see how unattainable the beauty standards are in this community.
  9. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    You can call me ugly all you want, but I look nothing like a man. If you're seeing a man, you're either blind or surrounded by femboys, which has distorted your view of what a real man looks like. 💀 Also, what even looks masculine about me? I'd like to see what bullshit you come up with next.
  10. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    ... You must be retarded 😭
  11. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Fix it how?
  12. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

  13. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    That's as proper as ya'll n*****s are getting
  14. raggddoll666

    Any healthy suggestions on maximizing the appearance of my torso? (About 132lb or 59kg)

    Thank you!! Idk what that line is either, it's always been there. I've seen a few other darker people with it as well, It might just be a poc thing
  15. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    The top half of my face will always be wide, it's just my cheekbones Been working on the cheek area and lower though. I had Bulimia so I'm dealing with the effects of it. It just takes forever
  16. raggddoll666

    Any healthy suggestions on maximizing the appearance of my torso? (About 132lb or 59kg)

    I need tips or suggestions on bettering the look of my torso area. I play tennis usually for my fitness and average about 20K steps a day
  17. raggddoll666

    Proper pics

    Here are some proper pictures since people kept telling me to post without makeup and such
  18. raggddoll666

    Progress so far

    Thanks for the constructive criticism but, this was just a quick update. I didn't feel the need to send proper head shots.
  19. raggddoll666

    Progress so far

    Only makeup I have on is mascara and tinted chap stick. Trying to make the slow transition from a full-face of makeup to none P.S, Don't mind the pose in the picture Lmfao, My boyfriend wanted me to snap a picture on his phone for his background