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Search results

  1. cuckmonkey

    Discussion does piercings make you more ugly?

    Yeah gauges are what I call untreated childhood conflict/trauma manifesting into adulthood lol.
  2. cuckmonkey

    Discussion does piercings make you more ugly?

    Small piercings sure. But anything too large or obnoxious just looks stupid in my opinion. And if your face is full of crazy piercings then that's a whole other story.
  3. cuckmonkey

    Experience WTF Happened To My Face? (PSA For All Young People)

    Nahh - I f**k with how it is right now. But if you have any specific hairstyle ideas for my head shape then let me know.
  4. cuckmonkey

    Experience WTF Happened To My Face? (PSA For All Young People)

    Hello everyone. I wanted to make a post here to address all the users who post here who are 16, 15, sometimes even 13 years old. For those of you who are very young, your face changes over time. If you're young, stop focusing on looksmaxxing. Focus on gradesmaxxing and sportsmaxxing instead...
  5. cuckmonkey

    Someone plss rate me, Im only 15yo btw.

    Please take some normal photos
  6. cuckmonkey

    Asian, F16 pretty short. All advice & feedback is appreciated

    Sounds like you know what you're doing. Lowering your bf % will change your facial appearance drastically. That should be your #1 priority right now. Look at some of the before and after weight loss posts on this forum or elsewhere.
  7. cuckmonkey

    1 year progress

    Incredible progress bro. You look completely different.
  8. cuckmonkey

    Yo boys, 18M 80kg 6’3, what needs working on and any potenial? Brutally honest reviews

    Provide with more well-lit photos of yourself as well as your side profile. As mentioned, your eyebrows are definitely your greatest weakness. However, you have a very wide and forward jaw which accentuates your face and makes you appear very masculine. You are most definitely above average...